Prayer/Cry for help

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Need for help expanded lately

Searching it became more often

Necessity for it's desperately

Responsible is the life that has hardly bitten.

In this fight badly beaten

Dying for some help

Before the strength is fully eaten

No time to choose the way, I'm starting to yelp.

Every time I pray

For everything to be fine

Hoping the fate will not also betray

It's only what is left and what's mine.

Trying to believe I can make it

To put everything in order

Finally to get the life together again to lit

Hoping things will work to be proper.

My faith begins to weaken

The inner belief has been shattered

Craziness made my mind totally driven 

If one of my prayers could be answered I'll be flattered.

Before I start with praying

I'm trying to find the right  words

In front of the mirror alone with myself arguing

Finding the strength to lean hope again on my angel guards.

So this is my prayer

On its way to be heard

On my journey through the healing process I'm a wayfarer

I yelled at the top of my lungs, everything got blared.

Dying inside, soon I'll start to cry

Cry for help is my weak try

To get the answer to my prayer

Running so fast to catch a better destiny like a flyer

Already began sobbing while I'm waiting for my saver

To save my life and get my happiness back – that's my prayer.

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