It's you

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It's always been you

Who is mine supposed to be

With whom I go to the worst days thru

Your soulmate, that's me.

It's long been clear to me

It's you, one and only

With who I'm meant to be

My secret crush which is in my heart hiddenly.

It's you who I see

Only one to be beside me

Who I enjoy to sightsee

With who I want and need every day to be.

It's you who's my only wish

Who I want to see every morning

Beside who to wake up and to nurish

After all, to whom I'll always be returning.

From always

It's you and so it'll be forever

For me, meant to be, the one who by my side stays

Your beautiful soul which will betray me never

Who'll the rest of living years with me to stay

No matter if it happens whatever

It's you who's meant for me

With who I'll be, forever. 

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