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This is a real dream

Dreaming of silk

Seems like a live stream

Thank god, at this moment I'm not able to think.

Please God, let this dream last forever

Please don't wake me up, cause then you'll stop it

Be understanding, I'm a daily dreamer however

Dreams feed my mind, for which every new is a good hit

My head is like a folder

Mind full of silky dreams

Forever to stay asleep, lately I start to consider

While not awake the most beautiful dreams my head streams.

Daily runner, always trying to escape from the reality

For long ago, I gave up on it and myself surrender

What really scares me is that brutality in actuality

I became tired of my life roll – of the defender.

My only needs are my dreams

Covered with silk, the softness which I demand

It's not so easy to get that feeling as it seems

Makes me hard on the ground to stand

If you can't feel it, there's no beauty to see 

Those aren't toys, don't play with them like it's sand.

Not everyone is allowed to feel it

The silk is very precious, feeling which I appreciate

Dreams you got are meant for you, not around to be split

Silky dreams enter at night, in your mind trying to assimilate.

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