24. What you Got??💬

Start from the beginning

Pri: What?

De: Yes Priyanka, do you think he married you because he loves you, no he is just behind your money

Priyanka was so shocked at that moment whatever she did started coming in front of her eyes, tears made their way, she was staring him blankly and he put head down

A: Speak up damnit, nothing will change if you put your head down

Ra: It's true, I was behind her money and....

De: And?

Ra: I want to take revenge from Tej Singh Oberoi

All sickened
A: What for?

Ra: I went to Oberoi industries for an interview, I am so happy that I am going to work in India's topmost industry but, this man(angrily) this man destroy everything, he sent me to jail

T: So what else you want me to do, showing phony degrees and certificate and you want 5 to 6 lakhs package

Ra:(bursts) That's the reason Mr Oberoi, you questioned my capacity and capability that day only I decided that I will show you what I can do

Priyanka was now shivering, she was feeling so disgusting, what she did to her life, she destroyed everything.

Ra: After Payal's murder everything was going according to our plan until you came(looking at Anika) I thought that you will arrest Shakti Singh Oberoi for kidnapping at least but you didn't, I don't know how this came in your mind that the culprit is someone else, so I blackmailed you to leave this case

Shivaay was steaming in anger remembering that he shot her
S:(with bloodshot eyes) I will make sure that in jail too you will have life disastrous then hell

Om put his hand on his shoulder to make him calm down

Ra: Nothing worked on you and then one day Priyanka told me about you and shivaay when he was telling his past to Omkara and Rudra, she heard everything and slowly and eventually we got to know that you both love each other

The family was not ready to have another shock but this made things easy for shivika as today or tomorrow they have to reveal this to the family but Tia was about to faint, she can't believe that shivaay loves her

De: And you targeted shivaay

Ra: Yes, I told Priyanka to keep that blade stand below the table and we planned that Priyanka will act like she was falling and will push shivaay on that blade but Rudra made things easy for us

A: (angrily) And when we all were busy in taking shivaay upstairs Priyanka remove that stand

R: Yes, but there also you protected him


Anika slapped him so hard that he falls along with the chair and she took the knife from the side table, holding his collar and keeping the knife on his neck. She thought back to his words which he said to her on the call

A:(gritting her teeth) What did you say that night, you will cut Shivaay's neck right? Tell me how will you do it(shouts) come on touch him

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