Once Kissed Twice Bitten

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Klaus stored Elena in a safe house after he drained 3 pints of her blood and we were now traveling to find werewolves.  I had a vision of finding them in the mountains and we made a trip to see a man named Ray Sutton first.

Damon and Klaus hadn't really spoken about the kiss much, Klaus waiting for Damon to adjust to the idea but I saw him sneaking peeks at Klaus all the time, especially right out of the shower or watching him when he's having fun with me before having to take care of his 'problem'.  Klaus was more patient than I had ever seen him, seeming to really sympathize with Damon dealing in his own time but I on the other hand, wanted nothing more than to see Puppy absolutely destroy Angel.

2 weeks seemed to be the breaking point though.  Puppy was changing his hybrids as we found them in the mountains, having snapped all of their necks after feeding them his blood.

"Nothing to do but wait now." Puppy told us and we all sat together in comfortable silence. It was probably about 10 minutes later that Damon spoke.

"Hey Klaus?"

"Hey Damon." He teased and I giggled, leaning on Puppy to find some comfort.

"Thank you." Klaus looked over at him confused and I had to admit, I was too.

"You're welcome? Now, if you could tell me what nice thing I did to deserve a 'thank you'?"

"I just need you to know first, I don't trust easily, so when I tell you I trust you, don't make me regret it...okay?" Puppy nodded, unsure of what Angel mean but then I saw Damon take a deep breath before leaning over and connecting his lips with Klaus'. It was a quick kiss and I could see how bashful Damon still was about it and so could Puppy but he didn't let it phase him, grabbing Damon by the back of the neck and pressing their lips back together hard.

I could hear teeth smacking and both men moaning, growling and whining as they shared a truly intimate moment for the first time in their mating. It was so perfect to see for me that I didn't want to bother them when the first hybrid awoke. He had taken the blood much earlier than the others so I gave them a moment and walked over to Ray, feeding him some of Elena's blood, watching his eyes flash gold and fangs grow before he got his bearings, looked around, and took off. I gasped, realizing I had made a mistake, dropping the blood bag and running after him. "Ray! Wait! Please, I can help you!" He seemed to almost slam on the brakes as I said that and turned to look at me.

"You can help me? I feel...I feel..."

"I know, waking up a vampire can be strange, the alignment of the stars is different for everyone but they will guide you." He looked at me confused but as it was a face I was used to people looking at me with I just ignored it.

"I feel everything and...wait! I remember you! You tricked me into telling you where my pack was!"

"Trick?! I don't trick! The stars guide me to my destination as they guide us all, you were meant to end up here." He seemed to contemplate on that for a moment before stepping at me threateningly, making me step back.

"Well then, I suppose you were meant to end up here, yes? With me." His eyes shifted to that new yellow, with fangs extending from his top and bottom row of teeth as he looked me up and down in a way that if Klaus and Damon were here, may have gotten him killed, hybrid or not. "You ruined my life! The least I can do is have a little fun with you, right?"

"Should have just ruined their moment, this should be puppy's problem!" I continued backing away until he charged me, slamming my back into a tree and ripping my shirt down the front, exposing my bra. He licked his lips and I felt sick to my stomach at anyone but my mates touching me causing me to shove him off, taking him to the ground, trying to snap his neck only to feel his fangs in my arm. I lifted my leg, kicking him in the nuts and it seems even hybrids aren't immune to that. "This is not good...puppy's going to be very displeased with you." I told him. Ray snarled, launching himself at me again and this time catching my shoulder with his fangs, the burning sensation from the first bite was still getting worse and this one felt like it caught fire under my skin. He reached for my pants and in that moment I didn't care about puppy's hybrids, I cared about living, reaching out I shoved him off of me again and grabbing ahold of a fallen branch I allowed it to sink into his chest when he launched at me again. His skin turned grey as he perished and I took a breath of relief.

I laid there on the ground for what felt like an hour, the bites burning and feeling like it was inching its way through my body, motivating me to get up, dragging Rays body through the trees and back to the clearing where I saw Klaus and Damon still locked in a heated kiss. As I dropped Ray they looked up and Puppy's face was instantly full of anger. "What the fuck?!"

"I tried to help but he ran and then he tried to tear my clothes off and he bit me, look!"  I showed him the bites but he didn't seem to care.

"You killed him!"

"Puppy...he bit me, I-"

"I Don't Care!  I'd Rather Lose You Than Him!  1000 years of work and you killed him-"

"There's more!  You made-"  I realized in that moment that there were no werewolves here, in fact even Damon was gone as well.

"You ruin everything Liliana!"

"Puppy!  Help me!  It burns, please?"  He scoffed, shoving me away from where I grabbed ahold of his arm.

"I'm not helping you.  You're fucking crazy!"

Crazy...Crazy!  CRAZY!  The word played over and over in my head until I couldn't take it anymore.  I jumped forward, taking Klaus to the ground and biting into his throat, draining him of blood in record time.  I pulled away, instant regret at having hurt my mate even if he did call me crazy before I looked down and saw...a camper?  Klaus was completely gone and as I saw the bite on my arm beginning to fester I realized what was going on...and I think I'm in a lot of trouble...

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