2- Artemis

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Today was just like any other day, or so it seemed. I had more energy than usual, and I was taking full advantage of it.

After making breakfast for the men I'd gone straight into full housekeeping mode. I didn't mind it. Made me feel useful especially when there are many ways I could not be.

Most of the women in our pack lived with their families. Only the Alpha's family and male bachelors lived in the pack house. Since there were no women around regularly, it was up to the young men to keep up with the daily housework. Which meant it didn't get done.

I was technically a member of the Alpha's family, even if only by adoption, so I was allowed to live here. I loved being around the hustle and bustle of the pack. It felt like I was at the heart of everything that was going on. All the warriors were always respectful and willing to lend a helping hand with the heavy lifting when I needed it.

I took pride in the upkeep of everything. It gave me a purpose, contributing to the pack in my own way. It may not be glamorous but the warriors were always thankful to come back to a clean space after a day or hard training and patrols.

Today started with some laundry that had been neglected. I swear boys were nose blind to the smell their own stench. As I was collecting the various items left about, I came to a stop in front of one of the guest rooms. Our pack house was filled with many, but they were never used as we never had any guests. Still my wolf urged me to enter the room.

It was the largest room in the house, besides the Alpha's quarters, and was covered with a layer of dust from it's lack of use. I had been in here many times. Usually it's just to put away some extra linens or to open a window to air out the house. This time standing in the room I felt uneasy, as if it was unfinished.

I looked around the room pausing at a dresser on one side. Curious I put down the basket of clothes and rummaged through the dresser drawers. Inside were some abandoned items of clothing. Whoever they belonged too must of been a giant. Even Dalton didn't wear sizes this big. Seemed a shame to let them sit abandoned. Before I thought of it more, I collected all the clothes and threw them in the basket. It wouldn't hurt to wash them.

Looking around the guest room it seemed almost sad how musty it had gotten. Without thinking I went and grabbed some cleaning supplies and began sweeping and dusting everything. I opened the windows to air out the rooms then changed all the bedding and fluffed the pillows. I even found a vase to put on the desk table. I would have to have Edwin get some flowers from the green house to fill it.

After three hours of straitening, polishing, and cleaning, the room looked warm and welcoming. I still had to finish the clothes I found in the dresser, but it was otherwise done. I felt proud in my accomplishment but a little sad knowing no one would enjoy it. No one ever traveled this far north to visit. Taking one last look around the room, I gave a small smile before turning off the light and leaving.

I spent the better part of my day in the laundry room washing load after load. Alpha Langston was thoughtful enough to buy a large energy efficient washer and dryer to use. Since the modern power grid did not reach us, most of our electricity came from solar panels and when needed, we used generators. Still it made our power limited in it's capacity. This made the washer and dryer seem like a luxury as it meant everything didn't have to be washed and dried by hand.

After folding each load I would place piles of clothes organized out on the various laundry tables. It was up to each individual warrior to come and collect them.

As I walked down the hallway from the laundry room, I saw a clock read 5:30. Dalton would be back from his patrol soon with the rest of his crew. They would be hungry and most likely only have enough energy to make a pile of sandwiches before climbing up to their rooms leaving the kitchen a mess. We can do better than that.

Beloved Runt: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now