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        I get up in the middle of the night to my doorbell ringing and I'm surprised Gino didn't hear it, I hurry downstairs open the door and there a girl standing there. "Yes can I help you". Yes my name is Ashley, I'm here for Gino. I think to myself, Gino told me his ex's name was Ashley. "So your here for Gino"! Yes, I am. I hear Gino yelling my name and he see's me standing still in one spot and his ex at my door. We lock eyes and tears start to run down my eyes. "Gino she's here for you, I thought you two were done". Jen this isn't what it looks like let me explain. I try and run upstairs and he grabbed my arm and I yanked away and went to my room and locked the door behind me, I left Gino downstairs.

      All I hear is Gino yelling at her telling her to get out and she did. He ran up the stairs and I'm in the room packing to go to a hotel. Gino is constantly knocking on the door. Jen I'm sorry please let me explain! 10 minutes later I leave out the room walking past him crying and he's just starting looking sad. "Jen where are you going"? Somewhere to get a break. Jen please just hear me out. I walk out the door and drive to a hotel. While on my way, I call my best friend Leah that I haven't talked to since me and Gino got together. "Jen baby what's wrong" Leah please come visit me I say while crying. Jen baby what's wrong? Well I met a guy and his name is Gino and we've been together for a while and his ex showed up at my house and apparently she said they're still together. Jen baby omg where are you? I'm headed to a hotel. Ok Jen I'm on my way, be there in 2 days. We get off the phone and Gino keeps blowing up my phone and didn't answer I just let it ring.

Gino's POV
      Jen not answering the phone and I'm worried right now. I just hope she's somewhere safe. I don't know what just happened, but this is crazy, why would she come knowing we're not together. I get a phone call, but it's not Jen it my friend Carlos. "Wassup bro". "Hey man, I was calling to let you know that Ashley called me and told me that she was on her way to ruin your relationship with Jen because she wants you back and that she was gonna lie to Jen to break you guys apart, and before I called you she said her mission to separate you guys up was  a success ". WHAT! I got heated instantly. I called Ashley and went off on her for doing what she did and it ended with me telling her "don't ever come around me and my babygirl ever again", and she obeyed by that.

    I kept trying to call Jen, but there was still no answer, so I left a voice mail. "Jen please come back I have something to tell you, be safe and I love you" I hung up and thought about it that I was actually set up. I call Carlos back and tell him come over me and Jens house tomorrow and he said alright. I can't get over the fact Jen believed her over her own boyfriend. I had shed a tear, but not to many'. I miss my babygirl, this shouldn't never happened. I go upstairs and get in bed and go to sleep.

    Jens POV
         I'm at the hotel about to go to sleep and I hear his voicemail he sounded sad and upset. I sat the phone down and went to sleep.

      The next morning, I woke up and got ready and got my things and went drove home. I get home and unlock the door, and I hear Gino "Jen I've missed you". I don't make eye contact with him, I wasn't paying attention to anything I just walked passed him and put my things upstairs and walked back downstairs. Once I'm downstairs I see a guy sitting on my couch. "Something you wanted to tell me Gino" I say with my head down without looking at him. So you got my voicemail I see. Well Jen this is my friend Carlos and he has something to tell you". What do you have to tell me sir? Well Gino was set up, his ex called me told me she knew you were together she just wanted to slit you two up. It was her plan to break you two up. Gino looks at me and my head comes up slowly to look at him and I have tears in my eyes. Gino pulls me to him and hugs me tightly and I shed tears even more. Jen I'm sorry you had to go through that. It wasn't my intention on you getting hurt. "Gino and I'm sorry for not believing you. I just went off of what she said. I picked her chin up and kissed her lips softly. Gino's friend left and I called Leah. Hey Jen are you good, I'm on my way. Yeah everything is fine just a misunderstanding. Gino was set up. It was his ex's intention to break us up not his. Aww Jen I'm glad your ok, be there in 5.

    A few minutes later I hear the door bell and I open the door and it's Leah. I yell and hug her so tight because I've missed her. She kissed me three times on my cheek. Gino walks from the kitchen into the living room and sees Leah standing with Jen. Gino this is my best friend Leah, Leah this is my boyfriend Gino. They both shake hands.

Leahs POV
     Gino thank you for being there for my best friend and taking care of her! Your welcome, I'll always be there for her.

    Leah stayed for a few hours with us, but then she left because it was getting late. Me and Gino look at each other and walks up to me and scoops me up into his arms and carries me upstairs and threw me on the bed. "DAMN I'VE MISSED YOU" he said in his sexy deep voice. And took his shirt off and got on top of me. He just got straight to it, he took my shirt and pants off for me to be in my bra and underwear and he's in his boxers only.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2020 ⏰

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