Move in day

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Jens POV

I'm standing outside beside my car doing a lot of unpacking and I'm exhausted from this long day of moving . I have no one here to talk to or help me besides Leah because she's my best friend, but she lives 5 hours from me and I miss her so much. This was a big town and nice. There's was a huge park across the street, lots of kids running around and so many things to do. Before going inside to take a shower and relax, I decided to explore this town since I've just moved here. I was walking around and seen McDonald's so I had to walk there because I was hungry and didn't eat anything all day.

While walking inside, my heel got stuck to the corner of the door and I tripped "owwwww" everyone stopped and glanced at me, but no one seemed to care. I was really embarrassed. When I look up I see a guy holding out his hand to help me up and he was very handsome and those blue eyes of his made me want to melt. "Hi I'm Gino" he told me! And I'm Jennifer, but you can call me Jen for short.

Gino's POV
When I walked out the restroom I seen a beautiful woman on the floor and hurried to help her out. She looked up at be with her beautiful brown eyes.

Jens POV
After getting up I thanked him and went to order my food and didn't attempt to talk to him because I was still embarrassed of falling. I got my food and was about to walk out until he stopped me. "Um I've never seen you around here before". Yeah I just moved in town I'm new here I told him. Well I got to go and I walked away. I made it home and ate my food then took a nice warm shower. When I got out I put on Netflix and as soon as I was about to relax someone rings my doorbell.

I answered the door and my eyes widened and I'm in shock. It's him again! He stares at me the same because he's shocked too. "How did you find me" I told him. I didn't this package came to my house and I looked and it wasn't my address so I was returning it to the right person. Well thank you. Your welcome neighbor! "Neighbor your my neighbor" I tell him and he nods his head.

Your really beautiful he says and I look at him and my skin started getting hot. "What"! I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that. I told him it's ok and he left. I guess he was shocked he said it.

Next morning
I woke up brushed my teeth, and got ready to go out by myself. I walk out with a black skirt, a white long sleeve, and heels.

 I walk out with a black skirt, a white long sleeve, and heels

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I walk out the door and hear a loud "GOOD MORNING" I turn to the side and it was Gino again. I smiled at him and said good morning back. He smiled back and started walking twards me. "Where  you going" he asked. I'm going out by myself. Can I come. You don't even know me to go with me. " well if you let me go we can get to know each other if that's fine with you. "Yes you can come then" I told him. He was already ready so he hopped in the car and we left.

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