Chapter 4

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"Sadly Tommy I'm gonna have to go. I have some friends that probably have questions."

"That's alright. Talk later though?" I nodded my head agreeing with him. After we said our goodbyes I hopped out of my chair and sighed. This is gonna be a fun experience. I went out of my giant ass room and down into the kitchen. I had expected them to be there but they weren't, nor were they outside. I started getting nervous as I explored more of the house until I noticed them in the dining room.

They sat there quietly on the four chairs on the sides of the long table. They didn't turn to me either when I opened the door. The chair on the side I came in was pulled out ready for me to sit in. I hesitated knowing this was gonna be a trap. They sat there with their hands on the table held together and facing forward not moving.

"Please sit down Y/N," Anna spoke in a low, intimidating tone. My heart started to race as I was going into fight or flight. I wanted to run but there was no way I could. I always had to come back to these four people. I sat down in my chair, and they all turned to face me with straight faces.

"You probably know why we invited you here today?" Ashlee spoke and I nodded knowing what they were trying to get at.

"Guys you are making this a bigger deal than it is."

"So the man you were madly in love with when you were sixteen is now on our server and it's not a big deal?" Devon called me out.

"We are just friends. Jesus Christ guys it's not that big of a deal."

"You wanted to fucking kiss him when you were 16. Don't you not a big deal with me." Anna stated, I sat there with a wide mouth not knowing what to say as she stunned me. I wanted to argue with the statement but I couldn't. Him taking interest in talking with me took me back to my high school days. Quarantine had hit me pretty hard and Tiktok showing bits of Dreams manhunts made me relapse back into Minecraft YouTubers. It was just simply watching Dreams manhunts until one day he streamed on his SMP. That was the day he declared war on L'manburg. After that, I had found a playlist with all the SMP streams and binged watched them every day. That's how I found Tommy and how I dug the hole I was in even farther. It caused me to start streaming which caused me to end up here, being interrogated by my friends.

"Please, I would never." I scoffed, hopefully masking my lies, and the long silence from me thinking of what to say.

"Then tell us what happened yesterday?" Devon continued, leading the interrogation. I sighed, explaining everything that had happened in the library and his stream and I left it off there. I didn't want them to know we were on a call. I wouldn't hear the end of it for days.

"Okay, so it's not as bad as we thought," Brian said. They all started to get up and leave. I quietly sighed in relief as I got away with not telling them anymore.

"Wait, I have one more question." Devon quickly stated which caused everyone to sit back down. Fuck I whispered under my breath. Devon has known something this whole time I know it. "Why did you quickly hit your phone down as I entered your room with food yesterday?"

"Um," My hands started to sweat and my heart raced. I had no good lie for this. I'm an open book and usually tell my friends everything. They all have their fingerprints on my phone so if they want to they can get in. There's no excuse for me hiding my screen. "I was watching Tiktok and I didn't want you to see." I quickly said as it was the only thing I could come up with.

"You don't give a crap about us seeing your TikTok." Ashlee scuffed, catching me in my lie.

"I didn't want you to know what's been on my for you page lately." Words just came barreling out of me as I continued on with my lie. Because of my parents, I was pretty good at lying on the spot. My friends did know this about me though.

"Cut with the crap Y/N. Just tell us the truth." Brian finally snapped, I could tell by their faces they were annoyed with my crap. I know we said to be open about everything to each other but I just didn't want to tell them about this. I wanted it to be my little secret, but I couldn't have that now. They deserve to know.

"I was on a call with Tommy as we did homework." I sighed.

"Fucking Simp." Anna scuffed, I gave her the middle finger with an annoyed face.

"And this is why I didn't want to tell y'all." I got up from my seat giving them two middle fingers as I walked backward out of the room. I walked back up to my bedroom and laid on my bed. I wasn't mad at them, I don't get mad. I was just a little annoyed at the moment. I was scrolling through Twitter before deciding to tweet something. 'My roommates think I'm a simp now 😡' I quickly typed out and tweeted.

I scrolled some more before I got some notifications of people I follow replying to my tweet. All my roommates with simp but Tommy had replied with the wide-eyed emoji. That made my eyes go wide. I hope he didn't take that the wrong way. He knew I was talking to my friends about him. He could take that as me actually simping over him which I did not actually simp over him. I decided to quickly facetime him and explain the situation.

"Woman!" Tommy yelled as he accepted the facetime.

"Are you gonna do that every time we start a call?" I questioned him.

"Yes," I rolled my eyes and gave a little smile. Tommy smiled back watching me closely from the other side of the screen.

"So how did the talk go?" He finally asked.

"Well, I walked into my dining room that they turned into an interrogation room," He gave a little chuckle to that and I continued on with the rest of what had happened. Keeping out the parts about me liking him when I was sixteen. He listened closely, not doing anything else while I was talking. "Then I gave in and told them we were in a call which resulted in them all calling me a simp. Which I am definitely not." I finally ended the story.

"Your roommates are scary." Tommy chuckled.

"Ya think?" We both laughed and went into a peaceful silence. I walked through the little hallway in my room to what I called my office and sat down at my desk propping my camera up on my monitor. Tommy had started editing some videos and I decided to just scroll through Reddit reading everyone's reactions to the past couple of days and their theories about what will happen. After a while, I ended forgetting I was on a call with Tommy and I sat with my feet on my chair with my knees to my chest. Reddit had gotten boring so I moved on to liking fanfic with me in it.

"Hey, Y/N" Tommy's quiet voice pulled me back to the reality that I was on a call with him.

"Yeah?" I looked down at my phone and smiled at him.

"What do you have going on tomorrow?"

"I have classes till two and there wasn't much I was gonna do after that. I decided it was better to skip a day of streaming." Tommy nodded, I could see the gears turning in his head as he was trying to think what to say next.

"Do you wanna come over and stream on the DreamSMP with me?" He finally asked.

"That would be poggers." He chuckled at my response.

"I'll text you my address. I really need to go to bed. I have an 8 am class."

"Oh yeah, you need sleep." I winced at the idea of having a class that early.

"Goodnight Y/N."

"Goodnight Tommy," I said before the call ended. My heart raced as it sunk in that I was going to Tommy's house tomorrow. I decided to head to bed but I wouldn't fall asleep for another couple of hours as TikTok dragged me in.

1439 Words

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