Chapter 15 (Day 4)

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"Hello stream," I yelled into the camera and gave a little wave. "Today Tommy and I are gonna bake some cupcakes for everyone and y'all can ask us questions if you want." I looked to Tommy who gave a nod and I started to look around this foreign kitchen for the pans and bowls I needed. Tommy stood talking to the viewers while I finished finding all the things I needed. "Can you handle doing the dry bowl?"

"Hopefully," He said, taking the bowl I pushed closer to him, I started handing him all the ingredients he needed. He started pouring things into the bowl and everything was going well. I started pouring all my ingredients into the bowl and I put it under the kitchen aid mixer and started mixing everything. I looked over to see Tommy had made a complete mess. The mixer was everywhere over the counter. It was even all over himself.

"You had one job," I sighed, but it made me smile how he made such a mess with a simple task. I went over and wetted down a cloth then grabbed the trash can to put by the edge of the counter. I started wiping all the excessive flour into the trash. Once I had gotten it all cleaned up I noticed there was still flour on my finger. "Hey, Tommy?"

"Hm?" He hummed and I got closer to him. He looked me over wondering what I was doing.

"You have a little something right there," I quickly wiped my finger with flour on it across his cheek. I quickly backed up as his face turned from loving to pure betrayal. It made me smile so much and I gave a little giggle.

"Oh, it's on Y/N get back here." He grabbed the bag of flour and started running toward me, my eyes widened and I quickly ran away from him. We ran in circles around the island, going in and out of shot of the stream every few seconds. Eventually, Tommy and I stood across from each other at a standstill. The viewers only could see me.

"Tommy we need to finish the cupcakes. Be rational here." I pleaded, he moved one way and I moved the other way.

"The only way I will stop is when you get the fate you deserve." He started running around the table toward me and I ran the other way. I was starting to get tired and I knew I was eventually gonna get caught.

I felt arms wrap around my waist and pick me up. I tried to wiggle out of Tommy's grip but he had a grip of steel. I ended up letting him decide my fate but as he turned me around to face him I pleaded with my eyes. I didn't say a single thing, just hoping my expression will soften him. It did kinda work as he wiped two small streaks on my cheeks and added one to the side where I didn't put flour on him.

"There we can be matching." I gave him a big smile and went back over to where our stuff was. I started pouring the dry ingredients into the bowl that held the wet ingredients. The kitchen aid was slowly mixing as I poured in a little bit every couple of seconds. Tommy stood behind me with his arms around my waist on his head laying on mine. He was reading out donations and answering questions as I worked. It was making me anxious that 150 thousand people could see this right now. I just kept repeating Tommy's reassuring words from last night in my head. Once the mixing was done I poured the batter into the cupcake pan and put it in the oven. Tommy and I went back to our position we were in earlier to read questions while we waited.

"Are you two dating? I totally ship Y/Ninnit." The text to speech lady spoke out. It made me stop dead in my tracks and made my heart flutter. I would love to be able to call Tommy my boyfriend but I had no clue how he felt. Everything about that donation was scary. I didn't want to lose him if I confessed my feelings or even if we broke up. I've only had one boyfriend before and that was for a month in 8th grade. I don't know how to love. I can't even tell someone I love them even if I do because it feels so sour, so foreign in my mouth. Some people can throw around the word all willy nilly but something in my childhood made it sour. It took me over four years to say it to my best friends and I still have a hard time.

"No, we are just really close friends. And shipping real people is kinda weird. I know we aren't minors but our friendship doesn't have to involve anything romantic." I finally answered as I realized I was lost in thought. We went through the rest of the stream with ease. Once done putting the frosting on the cupcakes we said bye to the stream and put them in the fridge. I quickly washed up my hands and the counter while Tommy cleaned the mess he made on the floor.

"We better get out to the Library, Dream wanted us there to talk about his plans for the weekend." We headed off to one of the small libraries that were scattered around the castle. It was sad that there wasn't one big one but the small ones do just fine. Everyone else was there already and were chatting amongst themselves.

"Now that everyone is here," Dream said, giving us a glare and as we sat down on one of the couches. "As there is a ballroom that isn't getting used we are gonna do a Dream SMP ball." We all looked around each other a little excited. "And since a ball with 16 people is a little boring 22 people will be joining us for the weekend." Our faces were shocked but I was super excited for who else Dream would bring along to come to hang out. "But with this comes new room arrangements. So George and I will stay in the master suite. Sapnap, Quackity, and Karl will be in the king's suite. Skeppy and Bad will be in the queen's suite. In the marguerite suite, will be Niki and Wilbur with Fundy and Eret in the kid's room. Then I thought it'd be best if Tommy moves to Y/N's room with her then Ranboo and Tubbo will take Tommy's room so then across the way we can have my sister and Lani and then Purpled so there's a little kids corner for the children."

"Out of all the people in the kid's corner only two of them are actual children," I commented, giving Dream a glare.

"In the eyes of everyone here if you're under 20 your a child so go drink some juice boxes." Dream snapped back, I rolled my eyes and Dream went over the rest of the logistics for the weekend. Once he was done everyone dispersed to start moving rooms. Tommy quickly threw the mess he had on the floor into his suitcase and came into my room.

"Do you think Dream is trying to tell us something by putting us in a room together?" I question him as he closes the door to the room.

"He probably noticed we've been sleeping in the same bed the past two days." Tommy shrugged it off and jumped on the bed. It was an hour before there was a knock on our door from Ranboo and Tubbo asking if we wanted to go play pool and darts. We gladly accepted the offer and played games till we started to get tired.

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