Chapter 11 (Day 2 Part 1)

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The bright morning sun woke me up once again. As we discussed the night before I knew we were gonna meet in the main dining hall. I didn't bother looking at my phone as I knew I was probably gonna be the last one thereby how the sun was set in the sky. I headed into the bathroom to change it to my outfit for the day. I wore a black bralette with a mesh star top over top. I also wore a plaid skirt with star pantyhose underneath and my combat boots. This type of outfit did make me insecure but I've been trying to push past that. I know that no one here would make me feel bad about wearing this.

I had started walking through the empty halls looking down at the map that was provided to find my way through the corridors. I finally after getting lost a couple of times made my way to the dining room. It was massive, the table had to be able to sit at least fifty people if not more. They all sat at the other end of the room near the giant fireplace. Dream sat at the head of the table (of course) with George and Sapnap next to him. I noticed Tommy at the end of the table with an open seat next to him.

When I sat down next to him he gave me a smile and mouthed Did you sleep well? I nodded stating that I did sleep well and he went back to his conversation with Ranboo and Tubbo who sat across from us. Dream had gotten us a couple of chefs so they started to come out with pancakes and sausage. I gladly started eating the fluffy pancakes continuing to talk with everyone.

Once everyone was done they started to come to grab our plates. Dream stood up at the end of the table, "So for today's itinerary we are gonna do a cops and robbers video. Ranboo and I will wear masks so no one sees our faces. There will be ten cops and six robbers,"

"Doesn't that seem a little unfair?" I questioned as Dream said that. We had an even number so we could have even cops and robbers.

"Since this place is big and lots of hidden passageways the robbers have more of an advantage so that's why we have more cops." I nodded understanding but still feeling as if there is a little unfairness. "Now the diamond the robbers will be stealing is in the church. There is tape surrounding the pedestal signifying an area the cops can't enter. The jail is the actual dungeon of this castle and the getaway car is a van that is at the front gate." Dream explained a little more of the rules before announcing the teams. "The robbers will be Nikki, George, Tubbo, Karl, Skeppy, and Y/N," We were a decent team, we could sneak around easily. "The cops are everyone else. Now I suggest the robbers go put on some black and white clothing before going out to the van to get your body cams on. Everyone else follow me." Dream finally ended and everyone started to disperse away from the table. I was already wearing black and white so I snuck around to where the cops went to get intel. I pulled out my phone and started recording knowing this would be some good footage for later.

They entered the church and left the door open with a little crack that I listened in to what they were doing. Dream had started handing out their body cams and cops hats. So we would for sure know who's who. Then he started pulling out walkie talkies for everyone which was not discussed with everyone.

"We need to keep this secret since the robbers don't know about them. We have to keep them from winning in any way possible. Sapnap you take a post at the jail at all times, no one gets in, no one gets out." Sapnap nodded his head and headed out the courtyard door so he could get down to the dungeon. Tommy and Ranboo keep guard here with the diamond. Each one of you guards a door. Everyone else we will survey in the corridors of the courtyard. It's an easy way to get to them since there are many doors that go out there. Wilbur and Phil get the rest of the castle so it looks as if we aren't puppy guarding." Everyone nodded agreeing with Dreams plan. I knew this was gonna be unfair. Dream is smart and he knows how to play his cards correctly. But I know how to play mine better. I gave a mischievous smile as I had an idea.

As everyone dispersed to their locations I hid behind a piece of armor so no one knew I was watching. Luckily I did get that whole conversation taped so I have proof of Dream cheating. As everyone left I watched as Ranboo looked out the window by the courtyard door. Tommy just stood by the inside entrance not paying attention to anything so I pulled him out to the hallway with me. As I pulled him out he looked at me with scared eyes. I quickly put my hand over his mouth so he didn't scream.

"You are not gonna yell or scream. We are just gonna have a simple talk and you are gonna listen," I snarled at him so he knows that I meant business. Tommy nodded his head and I carefully took my hand off his mouth. "You are gonna be a double agent and you aren't gonna say no. I have Dream's whole conversation recorded on my phone and I will show the world how you guys are cheating before the video comes out. I'm not afraid." Tommy nodded his head understanding what I was saying. "I know phones are not allowed but you will have yours in your pocket on vibrate so you will know when I need you. You understand?" Tommy nodded, "Now go back in so Ranboo doesn't see you gone." Tommy nodded again before heading back into the room with Ranboo. I smiled at my work, feeling enlightened as I can strike so much fear into a person to get them to do what I want them to do. I took out my phone from my pocket and paused the video I was still recording.

1078 Words

AN: didn't mean for this to have two parts but as I wrote I started getting a lot of good ideas.

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