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We all go over to the cottage and knock on the door. A middle aged women answers the door, and looks at us. "Well, hello Amelie and friends. I'm Ms. Daniels. The creature told me to expect you guys here soon. oh my goodness dear me, were are my manners come in come in. Would you like anything to drink?" we all answer no at the same time which made as all laugh. '' Ah it must be the flowers, you know they're at full bloom right now in June." Its almost your birthday isn't it Amelie or should I say Eve?" Don't look so surprised I was the one who helped your mother birthed you. And might I say what a remarkable young women you have become. Your mother would've been so proud!

I wipe a tear from my eye and take out the sucide note, that I still keep in my pocket everyday. I show it to her. In my mothers handwriting it says:

Hello my dear Eve

I'm so sorry but if you are reading this it means I have killed myself.

I know it is sudden, but it was for your protection.

I had to write this to let you know that I love you and I would never leave you,

If it meant we could live a peaceful life.

You need to find your dad

He is a spy, that's all I know

He left us when you were born,

that's 8 Years ago. I know that you're still a child and that is why I died

People were after me and I knew they would get to you before they get to me.

I have made some mistakes, when you're done reading this

I need you to call the police use the suicide note taped behind this one and burn this one before they send you to child services.

No one can ever know why I did this

This is to protect you, I love you and I know it seems selfish but hopefully you will understand later.

"I think I understand now, she was given a choice, but if she didn't kill herself then I would have died and she would meet her end." Either choice her life was gone, so she chose to save mine. She needed the money to keep food on the table, but in the end it was her choices that lead to her death. She is responsible for her own death, the gang is also responsible. And l just happened to stand in the middle of the cross fire. Vaughn and Cory helped me understand that and stop blaming myself. I am grateful to have them as friends.


Heyy, you can't sleep can you? Well if you could I wouldn't be here bothering you. You know you got a miss call. It was probably from your so called F A M I L Y, that you abandoned.Your friends could've called you as their last hope and you didn't answer them. Now your too chicken to call you back. you know that should be your new name, chicken, chicken, chicken, CHICKEN. "I'M NOT A STUPID CHICKEN!!" Stop it honestly, but I already told you I can't because I'm you and you are me. Just leave me alone please. "Yeah, just like you left your mother alone, and your still doing that today. being locked in here pathetically waiting here for any form of contact, and you miss the one call you get. Talk about being a loser, but its ok because I'm here to fix you up. Make you better, hopefully it works so, let go of the phone for a few seconds, and locate them. It might be hard but I'm sure you can do it , otherwise you truly are a useless, pathetic leech, and chicken. Wait you can go over to them when you get their location, Ha Ha Ha HA HA HA HA HA HA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. YOU'RE TOO CHICKEN TO GO, EVEN IF YOUR FRIENDS ARE IN TROUBLE YOU WOULD BE TOO SCARED TO HELP THEM. Then again its not like you could do much, I mean look at you. Loner. "Leave me alone."Is that what you want, to be left alone, even when you need help. You would rather be left alone, alone to rot and die without anyone knowing who you are. With out anyone ever loving you, no one would even be sorry for you. Because that's what you want to be left alone. Right? "Wrong!" Then I should stay? "No!" Wow you don't make sense... But it's ok because I'm you and I'm here to help. Just like how your supposed to be helping Amelie and Vaughn pass the agents exam. Which you would never be able to pass your self. I mean how are you supposed to help someone pass a test that you can't even pass. That's why you're here anyways because you're too much of a crybaby. To even train with them. That test is all about being tough physically and mentally. You know this, so why are you even trying. Then again you don't make sense. Your Jealous of those less fortunate than yourself.

"Mom you're home" "yes sweetie and I brought something that Carmen got."

Its a flower called Wisteria, it smells wonderful doesn't it. I take a sniff and I don't have a headache. "Carmen is doing a lot better now, I really think therapy helps I might sign you up for a few sessions."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2020 ⏰

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