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*Ruby's pov*
Tris finally dyed his hair blue wich looked so good on him.

He was the cutest person ever, he could make me the happiest person. I never wanted to loose him.

"I miss my girlfriend" Tris texted me, sounding sad.

"Oh, well she will be there in few days don't worry" I sighed at my phone.

Why did this hurt me? I knew he had a girlfriend and of course he missed her.

I wasn't getting jealous, I couldn't. I had no feelings for him.

"Idk...she didn't texted or called me for like 2 days now, I left multiple texts" I didn't know how to make him feel better, I didn't knew her.

He was my best friend I was supposed to make him happy but how when I hardly know what love is.

What I only knew about love was heart break anyway.

"I am sorry about that" I managed to say. "It's fine, I just hope she isn't cheating" he texted back.

How could somone cheat on somone so perfect?? How could he even think like this??

"Tris don't be stupid, if she isn't like the most stupid girl ever she wouldn't cheat" I angrily typed, he couldn't just talk himself down like that.

No.one. could cheat on him.

"I don't know, she left without even kissing me and she was being so cold to me the past week" then he started to talk about their relationship, how upset he was.

"Tris, that's toxic" I texted, couldn't believe how somone could treat Tristan like this.


Note: this isn't based on her, i made up her characteristics obviously

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