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*Ruby's pov*
when I opened my eyes it felt so weird, as if I have been sleeping for so long.

I realized I was laying on a bed, where was I? whose bed was this? definitely didn't feel like mine.

I started to look around. There was a serum next to me, a needle was going into my arm.

I started to panic as three girls with Jury and a doctor came in. "Don't worry, you are okay" the doctor said as one of the girls hugged me.

"Uhm- who are you?" I held my head, it was hurting a lot.

"I am Madilyn, this is Sabrina and-" The one that hugged me answered after looking sadly at the girl and at the doctor.

"Jury I know, but what are you to me" I asked again.

"Your friends" The blonde one that I think is called Sabrina answered and sighed. "Your best friends" Jury added and smiled at me.

"Why can't I remember you guys?" I tried not to cry, but this was so scary. I mean I couldn't even remember my own best friends.

What if there was a lot of stuff I couldn't remember? What if I forgot all of my life? What if I am still in depression?

I looked at the doctor blankly after asking, worrying about all of my life.

"You had a car crash that made you have a memory loss. Luckily you didnt die" he sweetly smiled at me as I tried to return one but it was hard.

"What's the last thing you can remember?" He asked, taking paper and pen.

"Uhm I was at the homeschool party with Jury" I answered after thinking a bit.

"That was three years ago-" This time I lost it and started crying.

Three years?? I literally couldn't remember my life!

"It will be okay" The doctor tried to reassure me while Jury hugged me as I felt a bit better and hugged her back.

"Uhm what's this tattoo?" I asked when I saw the tattoo on my arm when she hugged me.

Greate, having a tattoo was my biggest dream but I couldn't even remember why or how I got it.

*Sabrina's pov*
I had to lie to her, to not let him to hurt her even more. "You got it after high school, you never told us why" I forced a laugh, hoping she baught it.

"I am hungry" She said after nodding, it didn't look like she heard me. She looked in too much pain, holding her head.

"Okay, we will get you something while the doctor checks on you" Jury responded as we started to walk to the cafeteria.

I stopped when I saw Tris, having this hatered for the man that used to be my best friend was upsetting me a lot.

"Hey you guys can go, I have to do something fast" they nodded and left.

I went to Tris and put my arms together. "Why are you here?"

"I love her" Tris responded.

"Isn't the damage you caused already isn't enough? Look stay away from her, we dont want to see her even more broken. It will be like you never existed, she can't remember anyway" I coldly responded.

I would do anything for my best friend's happiness so I wasn't going to let a boy hurt her even more.

"Now please leave" I added and he just nodded, taking steps towards the exit.

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