Makoto: Burdens to Bear

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Hiya all! Had a pretty good day since the artwork piece I got signed by Laura Post arrived today, so I thought I'd switch back over to Persona for a chapter. In other news, I've been getting quite a bit of 3D modeling work done for my uni, and am having a blast doing it. Not too excited for my other Unity project since Unity has a tendency to crash like...all the time. In any case, got plenty to do during this Christmas break alongside writing as well of course. Makoto was always a pretty tough character or me to write for, with me not ever fully understanding her character and motivations completely. However, I did my best to try and create an interesting one shot for what she might be going through in her future in the police force, whilst still including plenty of cutesy romance stuff with Sumire. Hope you enjoy!

[Your POV]


The cool evening breeze swept over you as you exited out of the train station and back into the streets of Shibuya. You had got to enjoy the time off from work today, having met up with some of the others still in Tokyo to relax and have fun. Organising time to meet up with the others was rather tricky unfortunately, with everyone having their own schedules and things to do. Sumire was currently away for a gymnastics competition, and wouldn't be back for a few days. With plenty of free time on your hands, you strolled through the streets of Shibuya, enjoying the ever present night life as you did. As you walked along, you passed by a street performer, giving them a small tip before continuing on your way. You perused the displays of the familiar restaurants and stores, seeing if anything piqued your interest. Slowly but surely though, you began to make your way back to your apartment. Shibuya truly felt like home after living there for so long,knowing the route to almost everything nearby like the back of your hand. You entered your building and hit your floor button on the elevator, heading on inside as you reached your home and taking a seat on the couch.

Morgana: "Heya! Welcome back"

You: "Hey, you doing alright? Sorry I didn't take you out today, you seemed like you were enjoying your nap"

Morgana: "Eh, no problem. Get up to much today?"

You: "Hung out with Yusuke and Futaba for a bit in Kichijoji. Visited Leblanc too to make sure Sojiro was doing fine without me"

Morgana: "Even on your days off, you always find yourself there"

Morgana hopped up on the couch with you and sat down as you switched on the TV. There wasn't too much to watch, with you just having the news playing in the background as you relaxed, not paying much attention to it.

Morgana: "Hey, what time is it?"

You: "Almost eight. I should probably start getting food-"

Suddenly the realisation hit you. You looked at the kitchen from where you had been sat, realising you hadn't brought any groceries with you.

Morgana: "You okay F/n? Something up?"

You: "I...think I left the groceries back at Leblanc..."

Morgana: "Seriously?!"

You: "I know I know! I must have just set them down in the booth and left them there"

Morgana: "Well...since we don't have ingredients...maybe we could-"

You: "No"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2020 ⏰

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