Ryuji: Run Boy Run

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Hey everyone! Just as promised, here is the first substory chapter, with this one mainly focusing on Ryuji. Still not entirely sure about how I'll be formatting all of these, so please feel free to tell me how you found this chapter, so I can be sure people enjoy these extra parts I'm planning to do. So as I said, this part is mainly about Ryuji, with part of it being based off of a P5 comic I saw a while back. I also held a poll about another major part of this story in my Discord, so thanks to the people who gave their input there. In any case, hope you enjoy!

[Your POV]


Sojiro: "Hey, Takamaki's here"

Morgana: "Lady Ann!"

You turned away from the dishes to see your friend, Ann waving to all of you as she entered into Leblanc.

Ann: "Heya!"

Yusuke: "Good morning"

Futaba: "Yo"

You: "Coffee?"

Ann: "Thanks, that'd be great"

You: "Coming right up. You go join the others"

Ann did as you said, joining the others to relax. While she chatted, you got to work making her a brew just how she liked, awaiting everyone else to arrive at the café before you continued with your day. It had been a week or so since your party, and you had slowly gotten into a rhythm with your new living. Working at Leblanc was fun, with the added bonus of being able to see some friendly faces every day. But yeah...things were good, and today was a special day after all. Today was the day of Ryuji's race, the one that he had been training hard for all this time. You had agreed a while back to come cheer him on, but what he didn't know...is you were planning to show up with everyone, determined to give him as much support as you can for the competition. Coordinating with the others, you would meet up at Leblanc, getting some work done before Sojiro was kind enough to let you go see your bud.

Ann: "Hm? What are you guys up to?"

Futaba: "Making banners to hold up. Hey Inari! Is this part okay?"

Yusuke: "Hm...I would say so, yes"

Futaba: "Mwhehe, maybe I'm getting a knack for this art thing. Watch out Yusuke, I'm coming for that character trait of yours!"

Yusuke chuckled to himself, with you seeing him give Futaba a smirk from the corner of your eye.

Yusuke: "Heh, come and try"

Ann: "Easy you two. Mind if I help?"

Futaba: "More the merrier!"

As the others continued their work at the booth, you finished up Ann's cup, handing it to her. The door swung open as you did, opening up to Makoto and Haru.

Haru: "Good morning to you all!"

Makoto: "Hey there. Hope you weren't waiting too long for us"

You: "Nah. We still got plenty of time until the competition starts"

Sojiro: "You kids planning to bring drinks to this thing? Pretty hot out today"

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