Futaba: Another World

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Hey everybody! Had lots keeping me busy these past few weeks, but as always, heres another chapter for you all. This time its your favourite fourth wall breaking hacker girl. A big portion of this chapter is sort of a 'love letter' to comic/anime/gaming conventions out there, which I have really missed during quarantine and all that. Hopefully this whole thing can get sorted soon and I can go back to nerding out at conventions soon. Hope you enjoy!

[Your POV]


You: "I'm home!"

You struggled through the doorway to your apartment, heavy bags of groceries in both hands. Waddling into your home, you placed the bags down in the kitchen, breathing a sigh of relief as the weight against your muscles was finally gone. It had been a long day working, and you were glad to finally be able to relax. Before you could begin unpacking your shopping however, you felt a pair of arms wrap around you, and a kiss on your cheek.

Sumire: "Hey handsome"

You: "You really love these unannounced visits of yours, don't you?"

Sumire: "No point in me having a key if I can't drop by and surprise you from time to time"

You laughed lightly at that, turning around to look at your lover. You had been together for almost four years now, and you had considered every year with her to be a blessing. She had become such a beautiful young woman in that time, slowly becoming more confident in herself as well as her career in gymnastics continued. You leaned in, kissing her lips softly. She reciprocated, keeping her arms around you as the two of you stood there. After enjoying the moment for a while, you pulled away from one another, smiling at her before turning and beginning to pack things away.

You: "Anything happen while I was out?"

Sumire: "Not much. Mona's asleep in the other room"

Before you could continue your discussion, you felt your pocket rumble, taking your phone out and answering a call from Sojiro.

You: "Hey. I forget to look up or something?"

Sojiro: "Nah, you're fine kid. Was wondering if you'd heard from Futaba though? She still hasn't come back from her job at Mina's yet, and her cell isn't working"

You: "Haven't heard anything yet"

You could hear a grumble from Sojiro, the old man clearly worrying about Futaba. Recently, her last year in highschool had come to an end, and thanks to her natural talent, and a bit of help from you and the others, she had passed with amazing grades. Up until now though, most of the times you had seen her she had been keeping herself busy, looking for a college to attend to continue her dream of learning cognitive pscience.

You: "I'll give her a call. If I hear anything, I'll let ya know"

Sojiro: "Thanks kid. Have a good night"

You hung up your call, walking towards the balcony to try and call Futaba.

Sumire: "Everything okay?"

You: "Futaba hasn't come home yet, and Sojiro is getting worried. I'm gonna give her a call and try to get ahold of her"

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