Charisma: 900

Mana manipulation: Max

Mana burst: Max

ID creat: 35

ID escape: 35

Noble Phantasm:

Clarent Blood Arthur [Level Max]

Cost 50 MP [Damage: 999 999 999]

Excalibur [Level Max]

Cost 90 Mp [Damage: 999 999 999 900]

Excalibur Morgan [Level max]

Cost: 100 Mp [Damage: 999 999 999 999]

Ability: Dominion over corruption

Spell: Corruption



Transformation: Max

Forms: Dragon, Serpent, Wyvern, Shen Long, Human, Partial Serpent, Partial Shen Long.

Mana lance: Level 69

Cost: Minimum 10 Mp [Maximum 100 000 000]

Fire ball: Level 90

Cost: Minimum Mp10 [Maximum 100 000 000]

Lightning Palm: Level Max

Cost: Minimum 10 Mp [Maximum 900 000 000]

Air blade: Level 63

Cost: 10 Mp

Portal creation: Level 50

Cost: Minimum 10 Mp [Maximum 850 325 470]

Water Manipulation: Level Max

Cost: Minimum 5 Mp [Maximum 3 131 986 250 000]

Servant Creation:

Cost: 1 000 000 Mp

Hero summon:

Cost: 900 000 Mp

Command seal:

Cost: three a day

[Mystic eyes of petrification] Cybele: Level Max

Cost: 100 Mp

Kissing: Level Max

Pleasuring a women: Level Max

Chad: level Max

They looked at my skills shocked. I chuckled saying "Ignore the last two." They looked down and grew a blush. I said "Anyway that is what I did." Astolfo looked at me and grew a cheeky smirk. I looked down at her and she said "So you finally done it." I looked down at her with a blank face and asked "Did the other me not?" She looked away blushing saying "W-well he did." I leaned close to her as she scratched her chin and I asked "How do you know this?" Her blush grew as she said "W-Well a-about that." I could tell everyone was amused by this and I asked "Did the other me date you?" She looked down sad while still blushing answering "N-no." I smirked saying "So you peeped in while he was doing it." She turned around waving her arms around yelling "That's Not Important!" I laughed saying "Don't worry I'm just messing with you." She pouted and crossed her arms. I sighed catching my breath saying "Well I better sign Astolfo up for Kouh Academy." The three new servants looked at me confused asking "Why?" I equipped my house cloths and said "Well I go there and school is starting soon so I need to catch up on work I missed and plus Lancer suggested that someone stay with me at school and having someone join the school as a student would help." They looked at each other and Atalanta asked "May I join you as well?" We looked at her as she said "Well it would be better if we had two servants there." Hassan said "I could have one of the others scout around or keep watch over you while at school." We looked at her as a black buff of smoke and a second assassin appeared behind her and looked different. I asked "How many assassins are you able to manifest?" She answered "I can make one hundred." I nodded and said "All those are good ideas."  I pulled my phone out my inventory and called Sona.

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