Oh it'll be fun running experiments on you~

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*At Zero's planet*

Zero: This week is the week you've all been training for! Today! We will take over Earth and continue my empire throughout the universe! *Huge banners of the number zero descended down from the ceiling*

Zero's guards: *All cheering Zero on*

Zero: Now let's see how Ensic is doing! *A purple screen appeared with Ensic on the ground with a hole in his head* ... How disappointing

One of Zero's guards: Boo!!!

Zero: Agreed... *Snaps his fingers and Ensic appears on the ground in front of him* Give this failure what he deserves...

The guards started throwing tomatoes at Ensic and kept on booing him.

Dipper: H-He doesn't deserve this...!!!

Zero: You hush... Now! Let us begin! You've seen her many times in our training montages! I've been promoting her since she was 18! There are tons of posters of her around the city! Everyone! Please welcome Emilia of the four elite!

Emilia: *Walks out besides Zero and poses* Hey everyone! Now who's ready to help take over Earth?

The Crowd: *Cheering*

Emilia: Now I know you're all nervous but I know we'll be great! And do you know why? Because we have Zero as a leader! And under his rule! We will be flawless!

The Crowd: *Starts to cheer again*

Dipper: Y-You'll never be flawless...!

Zero: *Slaps Dipper* Just shut it

Dipper: *Falls back bruised* B-Bill will come and get me back like last time...!!!

Zero: ... Emilia~

Emilia: Yes?

Zero: Take care of them please

Emilia: As you wish sir! *Salutes him then jumps into a space pod then flies to Earth*

*At Enchantes' base*

Bill Cipher: That's the plan!?

Enchantes: Okay listen, you know how hard it is to come up with these plans? I usually have some time to prepare...

Bill Cipher: But your plan is to just barge in there...

Enchantes: It's a good plan!!!

Ava: Um sir, you might wanna come out here

Enchantes: What is it?

Ava: There's an unidentified object headed towards our base

Enchantes: Wait what!? *Looks outside*

The space pod Emilia was in was coming towards them.

Bill Cipher: That looks familiar...

Enchantes: ... Everyone inside!!!

Bill Cipher: I'm trying!!! *Runs inside*

Enchantes: *Slams down a button besides him that made the base go into high security mode*

Bill Cipher: What's going on!?

Enchantes: Another one of his elites...

The pod landed right outside the base and Emilia stepped out of it.

Emilia: And here we are! *Skips around tossing a knife up and down*

The turrets around his base started shooting at her but she back flipped to the back of the turrets and cut them down.

Bill Cipher x DipperWhere stories live. Discover now