Happy Thanksgiving!~ (A holiday side story)

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Bill Cipher: *Wakes up* It's Thanksgiving everyone!!!~ *Hugs Dipper*

Dipper: Bill... Go back to sleep...

Bill Cipher: Never! Come on! We've gotta wake the others! *Runs out while still carrying Dipper*

Dipper: Fine...

Bill Cipher: Sixer get up!!! *Shakes Grunkle Standford awake*

Grunkle Standford: B-Bill s-stop

Bill Cipher: *Runs out with Dipper*

Dipper: Grunkle Stan, Mabel, Soos, and Wendy are out shopping so...

Bill Cipher: Well at least they're awake! Now we have to send invitations out to everyone!

Dipper: Does that include...?

Bill Cipher: Yes Dipper... Even Enchantes because I'm feeling the giving mood...

Dipper: Ughhh...

*At Enchantes' base*

Enchantes: It's Thanksgiving Ava!

Ava: Yes sir, I'm well aware of that

Enchantes: So do you know what that means?~

Ava: Food and friends?

Enchantes: What? No! Thanksgiving attacks!!!

Ava: Oh

Enchantes: So ready the turkey bots!

*At the mall*

Mabel: Hmmm, so many sweaters to choose from...!

Soos: Dude look! *Holds up a t-shirt of a turkey*

Wendy: Soos Soos, that is amazing

Soos: Hehe, I know dude

Mabel: I'm gonna get all of them...!!!

Soos: Genius!

Mabel: I know right!?

Soos: So what else did we need?

Mabel: Hmmm... Oh! We know Dipper likes dipping sauce so we might need to get some of that!

Soos: Of course! It's right in his name!

Wendy: To the cooking aisle!

*Back at the shack*

Bill Cipher: Now how does one set up the table...?

Dipper: I'll do it... *Starts to set up the table*

Bill Cipher: Thank you~

Dipper: *Sets down the last plate but it grew robotic legs and crawled to the ceiling* W-What is that...!?

Bill Cipher: Smash it!!! *Starts throwing other plates at it*

The plate projected a screen with Enchantes and Ava on it.

Enchantes: Happy Thanksgiving you rapscallions! Now as you know, I just adore holiday inspired attacks so~ Attack my robotic silverware!~

All the silverware that was set up grew robotic limbs and stared at Bill and Dipper.

Bill Cipher: Wow, too scared to fight us yourself?

Enchantes: Oh you wanna go bro!? You don't want this smoke broski!!!

Bill Cipher: Oh I do since you got none!!!

Enchantes: Ready my vehicle Ava!!!

Ava: As you wish sir

The screen fades away and the silverware went back to normal.

Dipper: W-Why did you do that...!?

Bill Cipher: That was our invitation~

Dipper: Ohhh...

Enchantes: *Crashes through the roof* Come here Bill!!!

Bill Cipher: Hey Enchantes! Welcome to our Thanksgiving dinner!

Enchantes: W-Wait what...?

Dipper: Yeah our party...

Enchantes: ... I'm not buying this... Attack my turkeys!!!

Robotic turkeys flapped down from the roof and started pecking their legs.

Dipper: ...

Bill Cipher: ...

Dipper: I mean this is a minor inconvenience at best...

Enchantes: D-Do you know how hard it is to create a robot on short notice...!?

Bill Cipher: No...

Enchantes: ... So are we actually invited...?

Bill Cipher: Well yeah

Enchantes: Excellent! I'll bring the mashed potatoes! The evil mashed potatoes... *Cackles manically before flying back out*

Dipper: I'm gonna have to check those mashed potatoes...

Bill Cipher: Yeah probably...

Mabel: *Enters with bags full of sweaters* ...

Dipper: You bought-

Mabel:: Yeah I bought all of them...

Soos: And we got you dipping sauce!

Dipper: Wait why...?

Soos: Well it's in your name!

Dipper: Well I appreciate it

Ava: *Knocks on the door with mashed potatoes in hand* Happy Thanksgiving Pines!

Dipper: Happy Thanksgiving Ava! *Hugs Ava*

Enchantes: Now where's the apple cider...!?~ *Walks inside the shack*

Bill Cipher: Hey Enchantes!

Enchantes: Oh hey Bill...! Where's the apple cider at...?

Bill Cipher: *Points to a nearby shelf* Oh it's-

Enchantes: *Immediately grabs it and chugs it* Whooo!!! Who wants to get loose...!?

Grunkle Standford: *Comes out with a turkey* These turkey's are a lot bigger than what I remember...

Grunkle Stan: *Laughs* That happens when you're trapped in another dimension for a few years

Grunkle Standford: Well who's hungry? *Sets the turkey down on the table*

Enchantes: Whooo!!!~ *Collapses while sitting on his chair*

Dipper: I-Is he gonna be alright...?

Ava: Yep... *Pets Enchantes* He'll be just alright...

Bill Cipher: Well Happy Thanksgiving Dipper~ *Kisses Dipper's cheek*

Dipper: Happy Thanksgiving to you as well~ *Kisses Bill's cheek*

Enchantes: *Wakes up for a few seconds* Get a room you two...!

Ava: Shhh... *Pets him and he goes back to sleep*

Hey everyone! Sorry this chapter isn't as long like the rest of my holiday chapters but I was stressing out about finals and I had to do more work but I tried to make one! Anyways! I hope you've all had amazing Thanksgivings and thank you for reading this book! 6k reads...? I honestly thought it would stop after 1k but you guys proved me wrong so kudos to you! I'll try to get update this book and my other books more often since I have a three day break!

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