«Self Control» •Banginho•

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Little: Lee know
Caregiver: Bang Chan (ft. Skz)

Concert days were near and the boys were practicing really hard to do well on stage

Lee know hasn't slipped into his little space for a while, he tried his best not to slip because, as the main dancer of the group, he had to make things clear for the other members regarding the choreo

He even tried to help the members with other problems too cuz Chan was busy as he was the Leader of the group

Lee know tried his best not to disturb Chan, so he took care of the group

The day before the concert, they had to do the final rehearsal

They were usually pretty comfortable with the concerts cuz it isn't like the Award shows with other idols...It was just the members and their fans

For the rehearsal, it was just the members and the managers

The lights were on, all the members were on stage and the music started playing really loud

Lee know is most likely to slip into his head space when he is stressed or frustrated

He tried his best not to slip for all these days, but he couldn't control this time

In the middle of the rehearsal, Chan noticed Minho often making mistakes

"Lee know concentrate!" Chan shouted, he didn't notice that the younger didn't slip into his little space for weeks because he himself had a lot of work and was tired to even think about anything else

Minho tried his best to concentrate but again he failed

They went to their waiting room to take a break

"What's wrong with you Lee know! We are getting confused because of your mistakes...You know you are the center for half of the performance!" Chan didn't even try to look in the younger's perspective

Lee know didn't tell anything, they all went on stage for another rehearsal and again Lee Know made a lot of mistakes

"Are you doing this on purpose?! We aren't joking here!" He was also tired, stressed and exhausted

Lee know started to tear up "You never care about me! You know about me but still you didn't try to understand what was going on with me!" He cried and ran backstage

The members where in shock to see Lee know acting like that after a long time

Chan then knew what was happening to the younger

"I'll go see where he went" Han said making his way out

"You were being a bit too much hyung..." Hyunjin said earning a sigh from Chan


"Hyung?" Han called as he went to the room...He didn't get any response

He then heard light sobs and followed the sobs which revealed Little Lee know crouched down hugging his backpack, crying

"Are you alright hyung?" Han didn't get any response now too

"Lino was twying not to distuwb Channie hyung but...I fowgot the choweo" the little sobbed louder

Han pulled him into a hug while patting his back

The other members soon came in

"I'm sorry baby...Channie didn't know lino was little" Chan came and took Lee know to his lap

"I twied not to become a wittle" he said earning a concerned look from all the members

"Lino can become little whenever he wants, I'll be there for you baby...I'll take care of you" Chan told him, giving him a tight hug


It was now time for the concert...The members were in the backstage getting ready

"Lee know hyung!!! I forgot my lines...again!!!" Han said running to Lee know to get the script they prepared for the speech

"Don't worry Hannie...You'll remember it on stage" He said as he heard someone else shouting his name too

"Lee know hyung!!! I forgot what I did wrong in District 9 choreo!!!" I.N shouted from the other side

Lee know went to him and told him what his mistake was

Soon they all were on stage...Lee know didn't make any mistake till the end

Now it was time for their ending speech when the lights were more bright, there was a suffocating silence before the members started talking one by one

It was Lee Know's turn to talk when he started trembling...He knew his lines but couldn't tell them without stuttering, the lights were blinding him

He somehow finished it, the members knew he was going to slip, Chan quickly sent Changbin to the backstage with Lee know

The older couldn't go cuz he have to be there on stage

Changbin took Lee know to the backstage when Lee know started to cry

"L-lino shouldn't be in thwis gouwp...I awways bwing twouble" He said sniffing

"No hyung...You did nothing wrong" Changbin tried to reassure him when the other members finished the concert and came backstage too

"Channie hyung I'm sowwy" he started crying more when he saw the older coming to him

He quickly hid behind Changbin

"Come here baby, I won't hurt you" Chan said making his way towards the little and his heart broke into pieces the moment he saw the younger flinch when the older moved forward

"I know yuw wown't huwt me...Yuw shouwt" he said not wanting to go near him

"I won't shout sweetheart, come here please...Channie won't do anything" he said waiting for the younger to come to him

He peeked out from behind Changbin and went to Chan and hugged him, Chan hugged him back

They went to their dorm to eat there cuz now they didn't want to take Lee know to the restaurant and make him even more tired

They went to the dorm, ate and they all went to their rooms

Chan, Felix, Han and Seungmin shared a room, all of them fell asleep except for Chan

He was getting ready to go to bed when he heard quiet knocks on the door

He opened the door and saw Lee know waiting there with the prettiest smile and Soonie (his fav cat plushie)

"What do you want sweetie?" Chan asked him

"Lino wawnts to slweep wiwth yuw" he said, Chan took him to his bed and went to get a warm blanket for the younger

He came back and saw Lino already sleeping, he gave the younger a quick peck on his forehead before he went to sleep hugging him

This chapter wasn't supposed to be this long...Anyways, I hope y'all liked it!

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