«New Friend» •Yeonbin•

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Little: Soobin
Caregiver: Yeonjun

Yeonjun is Soobin's caregiver for more than 4 years now

They always played together, sometimes the little gets upset and won't talk to the older but then the older will somehow make the little happy again

Yeonjun was tired from all the work he had to do in his office so he went to bed straight away after coming home, without playing with the younger

"Junie hyungie pway wuw Binie?" the little woke the older up

"No baby...I'm tired" he said and went back to sleep

It wasn't even near sun set but the older was already sleeping

The little went to their living room and started crying

Yeonjun didn't hear the little so he didn't go to check on the younger as he didn't know the little was upset

Soon Soobin grabbed his padded jacket and went out of their house

It was very cold outside, he didn't want to go back home till the older search and find him

As the little was walking by the side of the road, he felt a boop on his ankle as he was wearing an ankle length pant

He looked down and saw a little white fluffy puppy

It was freezing cold but still he wanted to take care of the puppy so he slowly picked the puppy up without hurting it and walked for sometime

He was more cold now and it hasn't even been 30 minutes yet

The little wanted to go back home so he rushed back home with the pup still with him

"Yuw cowd?" the little asked the puppy and it wagged its tail

"Puppy cutieee" he squealed loudly, waking the older up

Yeonjun came out of their room and it took him a few seconds to realise what was going on

"Where did you get him from Binie?" he asked as he noticed the puppy was a boy

"Puppy cowd so Binie gib wawmth" the littles said

"But we can't keep this bub" the older said as he knew he can't take care of the puppy

"Binie take cawe of Mocha" the little said and the older let out a chuckle

"Mocha? Binie already named the puppy?" the older ruffled the little's hair

"Yup...can we keep this pwease?" the little asked with pleading eyes which the older sure couldn't resist

"Alright baby, we'll keep it" he said and the little started jumping up and down

They played for a long time and it was dinner time already

Yeonjun went to the store and brought dog food and gave it to Mocha

He ate his dinner with Soobin and now Mocha is a part of their family

The Chaos Chapter: FREEZE is out!!!

TXT never forgets to amaze me...I mean, what else can we expect from legends♡

Legit all the groups I stan released atleast one song within these two months...Best part of being a multi♡

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