«Dream» •Jakehoon•

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Little: Sunghoon
Caregiver: Jake

Sunghoon's giggles echoed through the long hallway as Jake followed him

They were in the shooting spot of their next music video

"Hoonie wans staws" the little said, looking at the sky

"The stars are always yours baby, we'll go inside now?" Jake called the little inside the room

They were supposed to stay in but Sunghoon went out to look at the stars

When they entered the room, it was totally dark

It didn't look like there were any furnitures in the room and it looked too huge, it looked like there wasn't even any walls or ceiling

They thought it was probably because of the darkness but soon they were seeing stars inside the room

The little stars were bright in the darkness which made the little even more happy

Sunghoon squinted a bit, feeling a bit uneasy to open his eyes cuz of the sudden expose to light and tried to adjust to the bright light

One of the stars went to the little and he noticed it

It suddenly started moving so Sunghoon decided to follow it

Jake was right behind him, not wanting to leave the little alone

"Jakey! Wook staws!" the little shouted, excitedly and the other smiled

They followed the star and found the round, bright moon

The star went and stayed with the moon

"I wan moon..." the little said in a low voice, knowing he won't get it

But to his surprise, the moon came to him

It was small and was easy to be held in his hands

It was brighter than the star so it took some time for him to adjust to the sudden brightness again

The moon and the stars disappeared out of nowhere and he felt like he was flying

It was dark everywhere, he couldn't feel his legs so he didn't know if he was standing or flying

Suddenly it became too bright

That was when the little woke up from his dream

He woke up to the light from the window shining directly on his face

He sighed and went out of the room, searching for his caregiver and found him in the kitchen

"Jakey!!!" the little went to the other and hugged him

"My bub is in a good mood now?" the slightly older asked after seeing the little smiling brightly

The little smile faded from being too bright to a normal smile

"Kinna dissappoiwned" the little said

"Why baby?" the older asked, patting the little's head

"I saw moon, staws...Staws show me way tu moon and moon came tu my han', yuw wewe thewe too...Was fun but onwy dweam" the little said, making the older chuckle

"The moon and the stars are always yours bub" the older said

"Yuw said this in my dweam too" the little said and the older picked him up

"Oh did I? Aight now we'll get our little star ready for work?" the older asked and the little nodded

With that, they left to get ready for the day

First day of MC Sunghoon and Wonyoung! They performed to Butter and that was soo freacking good...Sunghoon's voice was legit smooth like butter and I never knew much about Iz*one but Wonyoung is adorable♡ They're doing really good for their first day♡ Let's support them forever♡

Tamed-Dashed MV official teaser 1 is out! I'm very much looking forward to it and our new MC Sunghoon will get to interview his own members real soon♡

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