«No Little» •Yeonjun x TXT•

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Little: Yeonjun
Caregivers: TXT

It was already time for another comeback

All the members of TXT were working very hard

Yeonjun always gets extra stressed out and tired cuz he's a little

Being a little wasn't the problem but he always worried about slipping while performing on stage so it increased his stress more

He tries to free himself from all the stress by slipping but now he thought it would be a burden to the other members if he slips when everyone's tired

So the oldest stopped slipping

The other members noticed it but they were too busy to talk about it so they thought they'll keep this talk for later

"We should talk to Yeonjun hyung about this after our comeback..." Soobin said and the others agreed

A few days went by and Yeonjun started to think he was a burden for sure as to how his members didn't care about him not slipping

Soon he became very quiet, less energetic and depressed

One night, all the emotions the oldest bottled up for months came out abruptly as he slipped for the very first time in months

The little's sobs were loud enough for all the members to rush to his room

They saw the little crying while hugging his fox plushie

"Why baby...What's wrong?" Soobin went to hug the little but the little moved away

"What made you upset bun?" Beomgyu asked and still no response except for soft sniffles

"Please tell us what's wrong sweetheart" Hueningkai asked and still no response

Taehyun quietly went and gave him a back hug from which the little didn't move apart

"Nu one wuvs Junie" the little mumbled

"What was that bub?" Taehyun asked

"Nu one wuvs Junie!" the little yelled and ran to hug his plushie

"Yuw aww wike it wen Junie nu wittwe...nu one wikes wen Junie wittwe" the little cried

"No, love...We love your little side" Soobin went to the little

"Yuw nu cawe if Junie stop being wittwe" the little said between his sobs

They all went around him and tried to comfort him all night till the little fell asleep from all the crying

The other members tucked him in and went to their rooms, planning to talk to the little later

The next day, the little woke up in his little space

"Good morning bub!" Beomgyu ran to the little and carried him to the couch where the other members were

They greeted eachother and started talking to the little about the previous night

It was easier to comfort the little today

"Wanna go out today?" Soobin asked and the little nodded

The leader had already asked their manager for a day off

"Where do you wanna go?" Hueningkai asked

"Wota pawk!" the little exclaimed

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