Chapter Two

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I could barely keep up with Ginny all the way back to the common room where Harry was sitting alone.

"Ginny you better not don't you dare" I say bending over and panting heavily.

"Gabriella wants to know if you'd want to go to the twins party with her as friends obviously because she's too scared to ask a real boy!" Ginny says quickly so she could get it all out before I shut her up.

"I am not scared!" I say.

"Hey I'm a real boy!" Harry says.

"Yes you are Gabriella, and no you're not Harry you don't count" Ginny says. She really knows how to rile everyone up.

"Well anyways you don't have to Harry, you probably want to ask a girl that you actually like not plain old boring me" I say feeling bad that Ginny has put him in this position.

"No it's fine I would like that" Harry says to my surprise, I try not to smile too big to not give anything away but it's hard.

"Wait really? This isn't a joke?" I aks to make sure he's not messing around with me like he usually does.

"Yeah really why would I be kidding?" He asks kind of laughing at me like I'm stupid or something.

"I don't know and don't give me that look" I snap back.

"Is it...that time of the month?" He asks awkwardly.

"No!" I say walking up to him, I grab the notebook out of his hand and hit him on the top of the head with it.

"I don't think that's how you're supposed to treat your date" He says rubbing his head.

"You started it" I say, handing him his book back.

"Yeah and I can finish it too" He says standing up, he puts his hands on my waist giving me butterflies. It's completely friendly of course but he still has no idea how he is teasing me, he picks me up and throws me into the couch. Even if I wanted him to stop he wouldn't listen and he is way stronger than me.

"Wow Harry you really got her that time" Ginny says sarcastically

"Can't you go one sentance without making a joke at someone else's expense?" I say quickly.

"Yeah Ginny" Harry pipes in.

"I'll leave you two to do whatever you were planning on doing" Ginny says walking out.

"When is the party?" Harry asks after Ginny is already headed up the stairs.

"It's friday night, don't worry it's not on Halloween I wouldn't do that to you" I say reassuring him.

"Ok good, I'll meet you outside your room after dinner if that's ok with you" he says, his innocence melts my heart completely.

"Yes that's perfect" I say, trying to keep myself from turning red.

"Don't act all weird about it, ok" He says.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"If you see Cho at the party don't embarrass me or anything" He says, my heart sinks at the sound of her name. I've barely met her but I already despise her, she seems like the type that would steal Harry away and make sure he would never talk to me again. But maybe that's just because I want him so badly.

I sigh "I won't Harry" I say.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"Nothing you would care about" I say, I start to walk away but he stops me.

"You can tell me anything Gab" He says, but that's the problem I just can't not yet at least. It makes me sad to lie to him.

"It's nothing, really" I say hoping he will just drop it.

"No it's not" He says, how could I be so stupid to think Harry of all people would drop it, if he sees that someone is sad especially one of his friends he won't let it go until he cheers them up wich is very sweet but right now I don't really want his help.

"I have to go do some work. I'll see you later" I say ignoring what he said.

"You're acting strange today" He says.

"Whatever Harry" I say walking out of the common room. While walking up the stairs I try to hold in my tears. All I want is him. It hurts to look at him and know that we aren't together and it almost physically pains me to see him look at Cho the way he does.
Hi!! Sorry these first two chapters aren't the most interest they are more made to introduce the story and the relationships between Gabriella and her friends but more exciting stuff will be coming up soon xx

I Want to be Your First Choice, Harry PotterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora