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"Alright, I'll come pick you up in two hours," Luka said, leaning out the window. "Rinrin, don't complain if they cut off too much hair. Lenny, please try not to cry if they pull too hard with the combs. And Meeks? If you don't like your haircut, speak up, honey. I don't want it to turn out like last time."

Luka was going to take the kids to have their hair cut earlier in the day while I was at work, but their game of Monopoly lasted a lot longer than expected and so now I had to take them because Luka had her shift at the grocery store this afternoon. "Don't worry about us, we'll be fine."

"I know, you're all just so cute, my little family," she giggled and then stopped with the baby talk and went back to her regular voice. "I better get going or I'll be late, love you!"

"Bye, Luka!" Miku yelled as she drove away.

Len grabbed my hand and we began to walk into the barber shop. "You know, Mommy's right. We are pretty cute."

Miku's hair had always grown super fast, leaving it long enough that she could sit on it. We'd asked before if she had wanted to cut it shorter, but she said that she liked it long, and it was always silky and easy to brush, so she only got a bit cut off each time. Rin, on the other hand, had very tangly hair. She admired her sister's long hair so much and wished her hair was long too, but it had gotten so knotted up that we had resorted to keeping it short, which she eventually accepted, so she was just getting a trim today too.

The barbers had all three of them going at once and since the girls knew what they wanted, I hovered over Len with his barber. We hadn't discussed what we would be doing with his hair today. It had gotten so long that we had to put it into a little ponytail to keep it away from his face. "I could just cut it off," the hairdresser suggested.

Len looked at me through the mirror. "I kind of like it, Aunty Mei. It makes my hair look just like Rin's."

"You know," came a deep voice behind me. "I think if you grow it out and spike up your bangs, it would look pretty good."

"I think you're right, Kaito." I blinked and turned around. "Wait, Kaito?! What are you doing here?"

He ran his hand through his hair. "I just got a fresh new cut myself. Looks good, doesn't it?"

It seemed as if he only got a trim too, but it actually did look better. Not that I'd give him the satisfaction of knowing that.

"So are we trying that or what?" The hairdresser clearly was an impatient person. She herself had off-white hair and faded into a deep pink, but that's hairdressers for you.

Len nodded. "I like that idea."

I walked over to the seats for people who were eating and Kaito followed. "Are you getting your hair done today, Mei-chan?"

"Nah, just the kids," I said, leaning over to watch them.

He put a hand on top of my hand and ruffled my hair a bit. "I think your hair is cute."

"Don't you have anything better to do than ruin my hair?" I asked, trying to push his hand away.

Kaito chuckled. "I mean, I was going to go scarf shopping. I've been in the market for a baby blue color. For some reason, nobody is selling one."

"This looks baby blue," I responded, gesturing to the scarf he was wearing.

"Oh no no no!" He exclaimed. "This is Maya blue, Mei-chan. Maya."

I sat down in a chair and picked up a magazine. "Whatever. You have fun with that."

"I definitely will have fun now that I have your blessing," he chuckled before leaving.

What was up with that guy? Why was I always running into him? The town was small, but still! By this logic I should've been running into him for years! Or maybe you're just noticing him more now that you know him, said my conscience.

Even though the kids only had trims, they all looked a lot less shaggy. Miku's bangs weren't in her eyes anymore, Rin wasn't complaining about how they cut too much off, and Len was fascinated by the hair gel that had been used on his head. I knew Luka would be satisfied, so we were good to go.

Of course, Kaito was standing right outside the door.

"Are you stalking me or something?" I was about fed up with this guy.

Kaito shook his head, his back to us. He pointed to the tree he was facing and said, "There's a kitten in there."

"Oh, Auntie Mei!" Rin shouted. "We have to help save the kitty!"

"I'm sure Kaito can manage just fine. Besides, it probably has rabies-"

"Actually, I am gonna need some help," Kaito said, turning to us. "You there, banana split. Can you help me?"

Len nodded and scuttled forward. The cat stuck to a branch, and as Kaito tried to coax it down, it backed off and fell right in Len's arms. "I... I did it!"

"Nice job, buddy!" Kaito said, taking the cat from him and examining it. "I'll have to take it to the vet to see if it has a chip, but in the meantime, we'll have to wash this little kitty. Since you guys helped, you should come with me."

"Yes!" Rin squealed. "Can we, Auntie Mei? Please?"

I sighed. "What about your mom? We can't leave her hanging."

"Oh, it shouldn't take long. Besides, you know where my apartment is. I can always just drive you home."

So yeah, we ended up at Kaito's apartment. The children tried to comfort the kitten, who we discovered was a boy, while Kaito did some research and found that he could wash the cat with baby shampoo, which he had for some reason. "Mei-chan, wanna help me wash the kitten?"

"Me? Why me?"

He shrugged. "Just thought you'd be good at washing squirming babies. You have experience, don't you?"

"I mean... a little," I looked back at the twins. Luka and I had to bathe them both at the same time when they were babies, and it took some practice.

Kaito went over to the kids and picked up the kitten. "I'm going to wash the kitten with Auntie Mei. Can you go find a towel in the other bathroom and get it ready for the kitten?"

The kids nodded and ran off. I sat on the edge of the tub, dipped my feet in, and turned the water on.

"Not too hot," Kaito said, sitting almost a little too close to me. The kitten was clinging onto him for dear life. "It's alright, buddy."

The kitten wasn't too fond of the water, and I had a firm grip on it so it wouldn't jump out. Kaito had taken a cup and was using it to pour water. "Okay," I said after a minute. "I need you to hold him so I can do the shampoo."

I turned to pour it into my hand and I was lathering it up when I heard a loud squeal. The kitten had jumped out of Kaito's arms and jumped onto his shoulder since he was hunched over. "Mei-chan, get him! My shirt is all wet!"

"I can't! My hands are all soapy!" I exclaimed. "You should've had a better grip on him!"

"I didn't want to hurt him!" Kaito wailed.

I sighed. "Well, you need to grab him, because I can't."

By the time we were done, both of us were dripping wet. We took the kitten out to where the kids were waiting with the towel and they giggled when they saw us.

I grunted. "Not. Funny."

Root Beer Float (Kaito x Meiko)Where stories live. Discover now