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Okay wow this chapter got a lot more intense and traumatic for Kaito than I originally planned... you've been warned

(Kaito's POV)

Ice cream shops are always busy in summer, but Saturday is the busiest day of all. It was nearly eight by the time I got off of work, but I hadn't heard from Meiko in a while and I was absolutely dying to see her beautiful face.

I decided to stop by the Megurine household to see her. On the way, I replayed a conversation I had with Gakupo in my mind.

"So, Kaito. You and Meiko are a thing now, right? Have you slept together yet? It's been a while since the last time I asked."

"Nope, not yet. We're waiting on that."

"Waiting for what? Like, marriage or something? That's really old fashioned, dude."



"And so what if we do? If that's what we decide, then that's what we decide."

"By 'we' you just mean Meiko, right?"

"No, I feel that way too. Because of her, I've... like, changed the way I look at a lot of things. I think right now it's best for us to keep doing what we're doing. We'll get around to it eventually."

"But what if you don't?"


"What if you break up or something? Or if she never wants to? Then you'll never know what it would have been like."

"Then I'll just be happy with what I have with her."

Of course, it wasn't really any of his business, but he had lots of... experience, shall we say. And since I hadn't had a girlfriend in years, he was always trying to get me to go out with him and find girls to hook up with, but that just wasn't what I wanted. So instead, he constantly gave me tips on what to do, should the day ever come that I got a girlfriend. But Meiko's feelings were more important to me now.

Luka was the one who opened the door once I arrived, and she looked very confused. "Kaito? What are you doing here?"

"I came to see Meiko," I replied, smiling.

Luka blinked. "But... she's not here. She told me she was going out with you."

"So that means..." my eyes widened. "She was lying!"

"Oh, great! This is what happens when we get in a fight and don't talk about it!" she groaned.

I looked up at her. "You still haven't made up?"

"No!" Luka wailed. "Oh, this is bad."

"Look, it'll be okay. I'll just call her," I picked up my phone and we both relaxed for a moment while it rang. Except then it went to voicemail.

Luka began to hyperventilate, but then she stopped suddenly. "Wait! I can just check her location!" She pulled out her own phone and after a minute of swiping and tapping, her face paled.

"What? Where is she?"

She sighed. "The bar... I told her not to go back there."

"Well, I'll just go get her then and bring her back here," I responded, pulling my keys out again.

"Oh, would you?" Luka reached out and crushed me in a hug. "Thanks, Kaito!"

Turns out Meiko was right, Luka does have very good hugs. And since I loved hugs as well, I would've hugged her back, but since she was squishing me to death the best I could do was tapping her on the back. "Oh, sorry!"

Root Beer Float (Kaito x Meiko)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें