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WORD COUNT:  904 words (sorry this one is a bit shorter)

"Hey," I heard Spencer's voice and my eyes fluttered open. He was smiling and looked at me with kind eyes. "We just landed, but it looks like they only have one small hotel with only 4 rooms, Morgan and Hotch said they aren't sharing one with anyone, so you'll be with me."

"Hm," I stand up, yawn, and he hands me my bag, "Staying in a hotel room with a fun!" he laughs and he guides me out of the jet. Hotch and everyone else is at the end of the stairs already.

I start to walk with them and Hotch tells me, "I believe you should go with spencer to see the coroner since you had seen that her eyes were glued with adhesive. And just so you know, JJ will be with me and Morgan with Prentice." We head into the black SUV's and I sit in the passenger seat with Spencer.

"Y'know, now that I am the top dog between the two of us, I get to drive." He starts the car with a smile.

"You're like a child," I say laughing and hit his arm playfully.

"Ow!" He says and rubs his arm.

"Oh shush. Let's get to this dead body." I grab the duffle bag at my feet and throw it in the back of the car by Spencer's.

We drive to the coroner's office passing by farmlands, and cow smells. My nose scrunches and I gag, "You know, you're going to get used to the smell." He says and looks over at me adjusting his glasses. "Olfactory fatigue and nose blindness is the temporary, normal inability to distinguish a particular odor after a prolonged exposure to that airborne compound."

I look over at him and laugh while we pull up into the town. "Okay, smartass." I smile and now he rolls his eyes.

I crank up the radio and smile as my favorite song plays on the radio. I put some gum in my mouth and chew. We finally pull into the parking lot and Spencer turns off the radio. We get out and walk into the office.

Spencer flashes his badge and they nod to the door. We walk into the door and the coroner has blonde hair up into a ponytail and large framed glasses, standing by the body on the table she writes on a clipboard.

"Hello." She says, "You must be Agent Reid and Agent Phillips. I've heard a lot about you Mr. Reid. Youre quite intelligent." She throws a flirtatious smile and spencer just nods curtly.

I shake her hand and Spencer says, "Uh actually Doctor Reid." He waves and throws her a closed-mouth smile.

"Doctor...Reid." She says and clasps her hands together. "Please, come here." We walk over to the silver table and see the body. The body lays there pale, but the eyes wide open because of the glue adhesive. Her mouth parted slightly and a bruise was on her neck. I've seen corpses in my forensics books but I have never seen one in real life before. I look away from her and feel as if I'm intruding, and am looking at something no one wants to see. I look over at Spencer but he seems unfazed. He sees this every normal Monday...

"The body has a broken pelvis and adhesive on her eyes. She also has bruising on her neck and rope marks on her legs and wrists." She motions toward the body and then looks at me and looks at my body and eyes. "You resemble the body quite a bit." She then shows us her feet by lifting up the sheet.

"As you can see she has bruising around her ankles, and she also is missing some of her toenails. It looks like they pulled them after death." She points towards the toes that were missing their nails.

"Foot fetishism..." Spencer starts, "Sexual interest in feet. For a foot fetishist, points of attraction may include the shape and size of feet and toes." He says with an extra flare on toes.

"So," I start, "He keeps the toenails? In a jar-or something?" I say and have a disgusted look on my face. The coroner scrunches in her nose in disgust and Spencer nods. 

"Okay," Spencer says and nods towards her, "Thank you very much." She nods and glances at me and smiles. I smile back but feel her hot eyes on me. Reid puts his hand on my shoulder and we walk out of the establishment. "That woman was weird." He says and opens the passenger door for me. I get into my seat and buckle my seatbelt in. 

"Toenails?"I say and shudder.


I grab the jar from the shelf and get my tweezer. I slowly insert it in and grab it. I stare at it intently and get a large wave of pleasure. I smile pleasurably and my back shudders. I put it in my mouth and feel it on my tongue. 

"HONEY!" The she-devil asks for me. I put the nail under my tongue. She walks down the basement stairs and I hide my jar in my cabinet and she comes into my workspace. "What the hell are you doing?" She looks around the room and then rolls her eyes at me. "You never help! You are a burden to this family!" She tucks a strand of brown hair behind her ear and puts the laundry in the washer and walks back up. I'll show her who the burden is alright.

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