If You're Feeling Brave

Start from the beginning

He snickered. "What a flirt," you thought.

"Well, I'm asking now."

"Honestly, I don't have just one—I kind of love all of the old Rankin/Bass movies."

For whatever reason, you started singing half-heartedly.

"I'm Mister White Christmas. I'm Mr. Snow."

Charlie was laughing as he finished the lyric.

"I'm Mister Icicle. I'm Mister Ten Below..."

By now, you were too. He let out a contented sighed.

"You got me. The Year Without A Santa Claus. That's actually probably my favorite one."

"You didn't tell me you were a singer."

"Oh please. Barely. I put the OK in karaoke."

He paused.

"You're not too bad yourself by the way."

"Oh, no...I wasn't really trying."

"Does that mean I should send this Grammy back then or?

"Can I at least thank the recording academy first?"

He snorted causing you to giggle and there it was again, like warm honey—his laugh. For a second, you let your mind wander to what Charlie looked like and what his face might do when something made him laugh. Once you composed yourselves, he didn't miss a beat.

"So...if you don't mind me asking, what do you do?"

You were caught off guard.

"Oh cutting right to the chase, okay. I—work in a writer's room for a late night tv show."

"Oh wow. That's cool. Which one?"

You could feel yourself tense up.

"No specifics. Not just yet...if that's okay."

Charlie seemed a little taken aback.

"Uh, yeah. Sure. Of course...I'm a director."

"In a casting couch sort of way?"

"If you're asking if my auditions begin with drum riffs, I am offended."

You nearly spat out a sip of water and Charlie definitely heard it. He tittered.

"Did I lose you?"

"Nope, still here."

"Good...and to answer your question, I direct plays, mostly."

"Ooh! Anything I would have heard of?"

His voice was playful, but somewhat darker.

"Ah-ah-ah. No specifics, remember?"

"You're right. That was my bad."

"Hey, no...No harm, no foul. I ...never mind."


"I mean...if you wanted to know badly enough, you could probably just google it."

"Where's the fun in that?", you asked.

He was quiet. Surprised maybe? You felt like you had said something wrong so you tried to lighten the mood.

Happy Merry Everything (Charlie Barber)Where stories live. Discover now