Chapter 3

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Jackson's pov: "I can't believe him! I can't believe it!"I thought as I angrily ran down the hallway. I heard acasional hey Jackson's or whats up's and other students flew or passed by. Now our school wasn't normal. No way was it normal. It was for teens with powers, bending, or other special abilities. I was here because I had nightmare powers. My brother jack had ice powers. Jazz she was special. She was a shifter(which was probably why hiccup dated her). She was beautiful and sweet too. "I can't believe he did that to her!"I thought again. Then I saw hiccup and pinned him against the wall. "Why did you dump her!"I shouted angrily. "The only reason I dated her was because she a shifter. It boosts your popularity,"he said. I went to punch him but I felt somthing pull back on me. It was Jazz. "Don't do it!"she exclaimed. I sighed,"Ok." "Whimp,"hiccup mocked. The next thing I knew jazz had punched him and he was on the floor. We both went back to her room laughing.

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