Chapter 2

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I woke up at 6:00 am from a nightmare. It was a Saturday so I didn't have to get ready for class. Jackson was still hugging me in his sleep. I laid my head on his chest and went back to sleep listening to his heart beat. We both woke up at 12:00 pm. He smiled at me, and I did the same. "Morning jazzy,"he said groggily. I giggled and said"Morning. Hungry?" "Yeah a little,"he said wiping the sand out of his eyes. He had a bed head. It was so cute. I walked into the kitchen and put some egos in the toaster. I looked in the cabinet and I didn't have any syrup. "I'll be right back!"I yelled from the door. "Ok,"he said. I went out the door, and walked down the hall to the supply store. I got the syrup and started walking back to my room. Then I saw hiccup kissing merida.. I ran down the hallway with tears in my eyes an bumped into someone. "Are you ok?"it was Jason from my science class. "I told him about what had happened. He kissed my forehead and said,"I'm sorry."I blushed an went back into my room. Jackson must have saw my eyes because he asked me,"What's wrong?" I told him everything and he ran into the hallway.

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