I walked into the lavatory and stared at my reflection in the full length mirror. The side of my sweater is burnt and so is the skin underneath. I tried to touch it but drew my hand back quickly, it's burning hot to the touch and not to mention it hurts like hell.

My face is covered in dirt, dust, smoke, and ash. I'm a completely different color at this point and let's not even get started on my hair, it's awful.

There's a bright red mark and tear stains on my cheek, followed my two punctures in the skin from the cane.

I pulled my shirt off the best I could but the pain is almost to much to bear. I paid no attention to the old scars and studied the new ones. Bruises litter both my arms and a bright red burn mark sits on my right arm, another thing to add to the painful memories scattered across my body.

I slid out of all my clothes and opted on a cold shower, mainly to sooth the burns. After the shower I changed into a new sweater and a black skirt. I should probably find Draco and made sure he's okay.

I didn't see Draco in the common room or his dorm room. The next best place to look is the Gryffindor common room. I already know the password so I walked right in.

"Hey! What's a Slytherin like you doing in here?" A first year Gryffindor said once I entered. I paid him no attention and spotted Hermione sitting by the fire place.

"Hey, Mione." I said as I sat down beside her. She waved but didn't look up from her book. "Have you seen Draco anywhere?"

She looked up from her book but instead of paying any attention to the question I asked her eyes grey wide. "What happened to you!?" She tossed the book aside and looked me over. I forgot about the bruises and cuts on my face. I thought I had everything hidden. What kind of excuse do I make for this? "Arrow, you're going to tell me what happened." Curse my over caring friends.

"I..." I need to come up with a cover story, quick. "I, uh..." My pauses aren't making this any better. She isn't going to believe a word I say.

"Arrow, please tell me you aren't going to lie to me." She said with pleading eyes. I sighed, this could be my way out but I don't want Hermione to end up dead because of me. I looked into her deep brown eyes but I couldn't stop picturing my fathers eyes. 'Love is the worst of them all' I've come to care for Hermione a lot over the year. I couldn't bare anything bad happening to her. I can't let anything happen to any of them.

"I...I can't tell you. It's for your own safety." Tears threatened to fall once more, I thought I cried it all out in the shower.

"What about yours?" She pleaded with caring eyes that I can't even bring myself to look into. "You matter too, no matter what everyone else says. I'l be fine, it's you we should be worried about. Why do you disappear everyday? And how come no one can ever find you or Draco during that time. Twice you've come back looking like you were beaten." Then she gasped and tears started to fall down her own face. "Is your father doing this to you? Arrow, please, you can tell me anything." All I can seem to do is stare down at my hands, making no noise at all.

Hermione grabbed my hand and dragged me up a small set of stone steps. We entered her dorm room and she pushed me for the bathroom. "Take your shirt off." She commanded with her arms folded across her chest. I looked at her wide eyed. How am I supposed to react to this? "This is for your own good." I'm honestly more scared of an angry Hermione that my father.

I slowly pulled it off with shaky hands will Hermione waited for me. Once it was completely off, her mouth dropped. This is exactly what I didn't want happening.


I stared in shock at Arrow's torso, it's littered in scars, burns, and bruises. Why didn't she tell me any of this? Thankfully some of them look old but the burns look new. I tried to keep myself from crying because I know how uncomfortable she is already.

As I looked over some of the scars I already knew where they were from. The werewolf scratch on her upper arm being one of them.

The thing that looked the worse is her torso being littered with slash marks, like someone took a sword and repeatedly slashed her with it. I haven't seen her legs yet but I'm afraid they look the same.

I pulled out some bandages from the cabinet and wrapped one of them around the burn mark on her right arm. I couldn't help but stare at the dark mark, it's horrifying. How does she live with this sort of thing?

She started to wince at the cloth touching the burn. I wrapped it quickly so maybe the pain wouldn't last as long. I next moved onto the one on her left hip. I wrapped a bandage across her entire lower stomach since the burn mark was quite large.

I next wet a wash rag and cleaned her face up better. I can see it in her eyes that she's traumatized. I can't ask her what happened without her ignoring the question all together but that doesn't mean I won't keep trying.

"Will you tell me what happened now?" I asked she she tensed up. What the hell happened that made her like this? The Arrow I saw growing up didn't let anything get to her.

"You have to promise me you'll keep yourself safe and not tel anyone." I nodded quickly, we're getting somewhere. "My father, he's leading the death eaters now. He's trying to accomplish total control over the muggle world and the wizard world. He's forcing Draco and I into this. Tonight we attacked the ministry but because I spared Mr. Weasley and almost killed my father in the process, he was beyond upset with me. He's tried to kill me...twice." I stopped what I was doing and stared wide eyed.

I wasn't ready for any of that. This isn't something she should keep to herself. If we tell one of the Professors, surely they can get the help to bring down the death eaters. We've done it before.

"We're going to Professor McGonagall. Put your sweater back on." Arrow started to argue with me. "You need help Arrow but your so stubborn you don't want it." I tried not to yell at her but she won't listen. She's so stubborn! "I'll go with or without you." I'm telling someone to matter what.

This isn't something she should have kept to herself.

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