Itsuka POV:

After Izuku accepted us to help him, he decided to head towards his room to work on some ideas he had for possible combinations. Me and Pony walked over to watch him in his room while the others managed lunch. When we opened the room, it looked like a hero otaku's paradise. 'Geez there's a lot of heroes in here.' Wall to wall, there was some kind of hero merch of almost every hero. "Is that the limited edition Hawks figurine!?" Pony walked over toward his dresser where there were like thirty different figures. "Yeah. Hawks gave that to me after my mom kicked the crap out of him for asking me about what type of underwear my mom wears. Damn pervert." I wanted to say something, but chose not to considering the mental image of Hawks asking this and Miruko maybe kicking him hard enough for a tooth to fly out being kinda realistic in my head. "I was 8 at the time to not fully understand why if that also helps." 'Not in the slightest.' I sat down on Izuku's bed while Pony kept marveling at his hero collection. As I sat, I looked towards his desk to see a few notebooks on it. I grabbed one to see what it was about. 'Hero Analysis: Vol 5. Wonder what's in here?'

I started flipping through the book to see it was a bunch of pro heroes and their quirks. 'Woah, these are pretty spot on.' I kept flipping before I got to the last page that said Izuku's name and a costume idea on it. The costume looked practically just like Miruko's except with the base being green and the side colors being red like Ryukyu's costume. 'So this was an idea for his costume?' Now even more curious, I grabbed another notebook to see it was a sixth volume to go through and find more heroes that weren't in the first as well as a more revamped costume idea at the end. This time, it had gauntlets on the wrists for some reason. I kept this cycle up each time seeing the change of the costume or the support gear. Though they kept changing, the baseline of it being like Miruko's never changed. The last volume held a costume idea that was the one Izuku uses today.

"EEP!" I glanced up to see Izuku panicking to grab the notebooks. "Give those back!" "Easy. I was only looking." "Please just give them back. They're not supposed to be looked at by other people." He reaches for the one in my arms for me to panic a bit as he started reaching out for it. On instinct, I jumped back to have Izuku fall on top of me with his face directly in front of mine. "Ow. Sorry about that-" Izuku stopped when he saw where he was to go completely red. In that moment, I noticed his scar to find it gave kinda a cute look to his puppy dog image before he jumped right off. "I'M SO SORRY!" "I-it's not your fault. I kinda went into something I shouldn't have." I felt my face get a little red knowing Izuku was literally on top of-'I'M NOT A PERVERT!' I hid my face while Pony watched the whole thing go down with a blank stare. "So do you like Izuku?" She blurts this out for both me and Izuku to go entirely red. I smack my head on his pillow as Izuku walks down to the kitchen. 'Great. Now he thinks I'm some kind of weirdo.' "If you want to confess to him, I'm willing to join you-" "WHY ARE AMERICANS SO CALM WITH THIS!?"

Kyoka POV:

While Izuku went upstairs to handle whatever he was with Kendo and Tsunotori watching him, me, Tsu, Yui, Nejire, and Ochako handled making lunch for everyone. "Dang. Can they have any more carrots?" I asked this while opening a cupboard with literally a dozen bunches of them inside. "Well we are talking about the rabbit hero here." Ochako pointed this out while she began cutting some potatoes for curry. "Miruko eats a lot of carrots. She also has Izuku in fear his eye may cause him problems in the future." "He always had a couple to munch on when we'd be in school together shroom." Kinoko and Yui clarifies for us a bit for the thought of having them as a snack kinda disgusting me. "Not a fan of carrots *ribbit*?" "Hate em. My mom and dad tried to get me to eat them growing up and they just tasted like dirt to me." "I get you. Lettuce isn't something I'm into personally. Just tastes like I'm eating a leaf." I at least had some comfort knowing Nejire understood where I was coming from. She eventually finished cutting the meat to precook it before dropping it in the pan with the other vegetables. As this went on, Yaomomo decided to make tea for everyone with the only tea in the house being green. None of us had a problem with it, so we just simply went with it.

"So why did you come over Kyoka?" Mina asked for me to go kinda red. The fact Izuku could go from confident to meek like night and day kinda made him a little cute to me, but I'd never say that to everyone. "I think someone likes Mr. cotton tail." "I DO NOT! I JUST WAS SCARED FOR IZUKU AFTER WHAT HE DID IS ALL!" "Then why are you calling him by his first name?" Kinoko smirked at me while I tried to think of a reason. "W-well he....I mean we're friends so....ALRIGHT FINE MAYBE I DO LIKE IZUKU!" Everyone laughed at me while I grabbed some instant stock and cream from the fridge to start the base. "You don't have to hide it from us, we're all in the same boat. Most of us are already kinda dating him in this room or at least went on a date or two." Ochako said this for my head to go a mile a minute. 'At least Izuku isn't here.' I turn around to see the one person I'd rather not be right behind us. " long were you there?" ".....Long enough." I smack my face realizing I may have just admitted to liking Izuku with him hearing me. 'GODDAM MY LIFE!'

Few hours later, Izuku POV:

As we all sat in the living room, the thought of what Jirou said came to my mind. I looked over the room with Mina being the first to speak up. "Alright. I'm clearing the air. Everyone here has the hots for Izuku. Now what do we do about it?" 'Thank you for addressing the elephant in the room Mina.' "S-so, what do you all wanna do?" I tried asking for everyone to think. "I guess we can do what we've been doing, except with more people shroom." "I feel a little annoyed that we have to share, but there's honestly no other choice, is there?" Ochako pointed this out for me to let out a sigh. "So how would this work per say?" "Hmm. There's eleven of us, so doing it one person gets a day of the week won't work exactly." "Perhaps a day with two a day would work with the person that has a day alone alternating to make it fair." "That could work Shiozaki." Nejire says this with everyone nodding in agreement. "Wait. So we all are ok with this relationship?" Everyone nodded before Yui speaks up. "So it's settled. We all will have a polygamy relationship." "LET'S CALL US, IZUKU'S PACT!" 'Can we make it seem like something that doesn't make us sound like we're a bunch of animals.'

"Ok then, we're all in agreement. As of right now, we're all going to start dating Izuku." Everyone nodded at Momo as she started to pull out some Popsicle sticks that she made with her quirk. She then put numbers on them to give to me. "Alright. This is how we'll begin. The numbers on the sticks will start where we are right now. If you have the number 1, you will be paired with the number 2. If you have a number 3, you're paired with number 4 and so on. If you have the number 11, then you'll have the first day alone with Izuku. Everything is fair and impartial with the chances of someone getting the number you want is just as fair as everyone else." Nobody argued for everyone to start pulling the numbered sticks. The numbers were as followed.

1. Tsu
2. Kinoko
3. Itsuka
4. Mina
5. Kyoka
6. Ochako
7. Yui
8. Ibara
9. Nejire
10. Momo
11. Pony

"Yay! I get the first solo date!" 'Again, I can't fully understand her. I really need to learn English when I get the chance.' I sigh to myself before we went over the basics. "So 1 and 2 will have Monday. 3 and 4 Tuesday, 5 and 6 Wednesday, 7 and 8 Thursday, 9 and 10 Friday, and 11 for Saturday. On Sunday, we'll let Izuku have the day to himself since he at least deserves that." Kendo pointed this out for us to acknowledge how this was going to happen. "So you've got a nice sized harem, huh?" We look over to see mom hanging out by the door with aunt Ryu next to her. "Nicely done Izuku. It appears you have quite the batch of women beside you that adores you." I go red at this before mom starts to laugh. "Alright ladies. I'm gonna need you all to head home before it gets too dark." "I'll lead you all home." Aunt Ryu said this for every girl to give me a kiss on the cheek or on the lips depending on who it was. I smiled at this before getting my hair ruffled. "Alright Mr. Playboy, I got delivery coming. So why don't we sit down and you can tell me everything about your little harem now." "Can we not? I don't like talking about this stuff to you." "Hey. Don't give me lip, or I'll remind you what you kiss when you do." I cover my mouth remembering that mom kicks me when I complain to the point she says I kiss her foot. 'Can someone tell me why I have to talk to my mom about my relationships?'

And that finishes this chapter. So Izuku and the girls have now started the harem. See what happens when they return to school next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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