White Robes:"You will no go near his Holiness!"

Black Robes:"Stay away from the Target!"

Then the white robes went for Byakuran while the black robes went for Xanxus.

------------Back to the others---------------

Let's back up a bit shall we....

Jaune saw his friends coming and got more pissed and shot off to get away from them.

Pyrrha:"Jaune! Jaune!"

Pyrrha had watched as Jaune was becoming a small orange dot in the sky. Oh how her heart felt like it was smashed into a thousand pieces. Then she was spun around and was smacked clean a cross her face. Pyrrha then landed on her ass and saw a very angry Risa.

Risa:"Why did you kiss him?"


Risa:"Why did you kiss Jaune?"

Pyrrha:"Why? Cause I love him."

Risa:"Well guess what Jaune dose not love you! You went and kissed my man right in front of me you cunt!"

Pyrrha got up and glared at Risa.

Pyrrha:"I loved Jaune before he meet you before all this bull shit happened."

Tears began to run down her face.

Pyrrha:"I hate myself for what I done to Jaune! Every time I look at myself in the mirror I hate it. I was there for him and cause on one mistake I made I lost him!"

Risa hateful glare went a tiny bit soft.

Pyrrha:"I should have never left him alone...." She rubs her eyes but the tears won't stop. "Jaune was the nicest and sweetest guy I meet and treated me right. I know I have no right to say he is mine but I still love him....You get to be with him but I can't." She then falls to her knees. "I just wanted Jaune to forgive me....I want Jaune to smile at me....I want him to look at me with eyes of love and care.....". Her skirt was getting wet by her tears. "Is it wrong to ask for love from the person your heart wants....I don't even care if he loves you......I......I....I just want him to look at me with care not with those empty eyes...I would rather die a thousand times over than have him look at me like that....."

Pyrrha then looks at Risa with red stain eyes and tears that just won't stop.

Pyrrha:"Have you ever loved someone to the point it hurts?"

Now Risa, Miu, and Bayonetta knew where her love for Jaune was the same level as them. Risa herself knew better than anyone how much love can hurt and how it can make you do crazy things. Risa let go of her anger and bent down and hugged Pyrrha as she cried into Risa embrace.

Risa:"Yes I know, I know how much love hurts."

Then a massive explosion far from them was heard and everyone saw the massive cloud of dust and smoke. This stop everything and everyone was looking at it. People where looking out windows cars and wondering what the hell is going on.


Pyrrha broke free from the embrace and ran as fast as she could to Jaune. She didn't know but she had been pumping aura into her legs making her faster. As the others watched her run off they soon went after her and followed.

Back to Jaune....

Jaune was watching as the two groups keep the two crazy off him. Jaune then slowly lowered himself to a random building. Jaune was looking at the fights wonder just who the hell are these people. Then the leaders of both group landed on the same roof as Jaune. Jaune took a stance ready to fight should they want to come at him. Then one other person dropped behind the leaders.

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