Parish Song

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Maris had been in her father’s Shop playing with his Azumarill when her Ninetails started acting restless. This was a little unusual, but not unheard of. This bright and sunny afternoon found her wandering the streets. Well, she wasn't really “wandering” so much as she was following. Her Ninetails seemed to have caught a scent and was searching for it. They made it nearly all the way across town before they found the scent. It was a boy and his Pokémon.

She'd never seen him before now, so she knew he must be here to win a badge. Ninetails growled at them. Why is NineTails being so protective? She looked closely at the boys Pokémon and realized she'd never even heard of what it could be. She pulled out her Pokédex and saw it was an Absol.

"Hi There! You're Not From Around Here Are You?" she called happily to him. To ease Ninetail’s mind about the dark stranger she thought it would be best to let her Pokémon have a little fun with his.

Well he wasn't dark. His skin was milky white but his hair and clothes were black as night. His full mouth pulled into a smirk and she was hooked.

"I'm afraid not." the stranger chimed "I'm just passing through." he said taking a few steps closer with his smirk expectant as he anticipated her challenge. Ninetails took a stance and growled. Smoke swirled out of its mouth and his glare so intense the stranger stopped in his tracks.

"I'm sorry but it doesn't look like you'll be passing through anytime soon." she said sweetly as she pulled her hair back out of her face.

"Is it wrong that I was hoping you'd say that?" he smiled removing his jacket and tossing it aside.

"Are you really so eager to lose?" she laughed

"I'm ready!"

"Ninetails Quick Attack!" she ordered. NineTails eagerly rushed the strangers Absol practically flying by once, then twice, then a third time, delivering a stunning blow with each pass.

"Hang in there, buddy! Use Bite!" the stranger called out with a shadow of worry on his face. Ninetails had wheeled around for a fourth attack but was caught by the throat in Absol’s jaws. Maris gave a shriek that startled both the stranger and Ninetails who whipped its body around and slammed Absol with all nine of its tails sending it sprawling back towards its owner.

Maris gasped in surprise and embarrassment at losing her cool

"NineTails used Iron Tail…" she said to herself her confidence returning.

"You can do this Absol! Parish Song now!" the stranger ordered after a gulp. Absol lifted itself then howled to the sky a chilling tune that made NineTails hair stand on end.

Even Maris couldn't keep her voice from shaking as she laughed.

"It’s gonna take more than a silly song to stop us! NineTails Ember!" she called but NineTails was already one step ahead of her as he reared back then spit out a small facade of fireballs. Absol was burned bad and was still suffering from his previous injuries.

"We can still win this Absol get ‘em with Shadow Rush!" Absol got a gleam in his eye that almost said he was holding back as he charged at his opponent hitting him a total of six times.

"Its time to finish him NineTails! Fire Blast Now!" Maris commanded and NineTails let out a huge spurt of Flames that knocked Absol back to lay seemingly lifeless by the stranger’s feet. He gave his Pokémon a sad defeated stare before pulling out a pokeball that sucked his pet up.

"You fought well buddy. Now its time to stretch your legs! Houndoom! Show them what we're made of! Use Bite!" He commanded as he threw a pokeball. The vicious k9 emerged and charged full force into Ninetails.

Idol Dreams (Pokemon, MBLAQ, BIGBANG)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat