Her mom kept quiet.



"I will do as you say but you will tell me the reason."

Her mom said quickly.

"I am going to sleep now. Good night!"
Samahir stood up.

"I bet your views for this marriage will change after knowing the reason behind it."
Her mom said.

"My views for that man and this marriage will never change."
Samahir said bitterly and headed towards her room.

Almir and Mahir along with Arsum had fixed her room already.


It was a gloomy morning.

There was a sudden rush in whole Khan villa.

Ignoring everything Samahir was watching Doraemon on tv.

Ali was having breakfast and was contunously getting annoyed by nobita's crying but he remained calm.

She was happy and deep down he refrained to spoil her mood or more his.

When he used to stay peaceful after scolding Her?

His mother's voice brought him out of his air castle.


"I want something from you!"
His mom said.

Just then Samahir heard that and lower the volume of tv.

He asked calmly.

And that was the moment when Samahir wanted the Earth to swallow her. She realized that how misbehave she did to her mom on the very same question on which he remained calm as ice.

"I want you to have wedding functions of you and Samahir."

And Ali's hand which was holding black coffee griped the cup tightly.

"What's all this now mom?"
He  was still calm.

"I know Ali about that 8 months thing but still can't you do this for your parents happiness?"
His mom pleaded.

"What else parents want? I already hanged a trouble in my neck as per their choice."
Ali rolled his eyes and Samahir's jaw dropped to ground.

She glared at remote in her hand and threw it with ful force.

Thus drifted Ali and Minahil chachi's attention towards her.

She stood up and went towards her room stomping her feet on floor.

"I don't have any problem of she agrees."
Ali said still glaring at her back.

"She already did!!"

And Ali choked on his coffee.

He was dam  sure that she won't agree and in this way he will also get spared without need of misbehaving but this time she proved him wrong.

He quickly composed himself.

"Thank you so much!!"
His mom said gratefully.

"Its Ok!"

"So you are not going to office today."

"And why is that So?"

"Cause today is your mehndi function."

He stood up shocked.

" Yes!! Can't you this all rush in the house?"

"It was preplanned?"

His Heartbeat Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin