✦14✦ - World War Three

Start from the beginning

He darted in, pushing Fury and Coulson in with him as Emma stepped back and shielded them with her body. The Doctor used his sonic screwdriver on the buttons and the doors instantly slammed shut.

"This is why we don't associate with the UK," Fury plainly stated in a huff.

"This is absolutely insane," Coulson commented.

"Fantastic," the Doctor concluded, grinning at Emma.

She rolled her eyes but smiled anyway.


Jackie screamed as she shrank down into the kitchen counter, the Slitheen entered the kitchen, and Dean, after the initial shock, ran into the spare room trying to find his gun.

Cas walked up to the alien and placed his finger at its temple but nothing happened, he pulled away and then leaned forward trying again. The Slitheen stared at him and he covered half of its face in the palm of his hand. But still, nothing happened. The creature grew angry and smacked Cas away from him before roaring and raising its clawed hands.

"Dean!" Cas yelled as he flew over the couch and into the coffee table.

Dean ran back into the room and skidded to a halt as he cocked his gun, "You alright?" he looked down at his husband as he slowly got back to his feet. "What happened?"

"I can't knock him unconscious," Cas stated as Jackie continued to scream in the kitchen.

"What do you mean?"

"My powers... they don't work on him, it? "

"Really, aliens, that's your kryptonite?" Dean asked in disbelief as he raced toward the kitchen but Mickey beat him to it just as the Slitheen started buzzing with electricity, every part of its body jerking as electric currents ran through it.

Mickey picked up the closest chair and smashed it over the Slitheen's head knocking it stumbling to the side as he launched forward and grabbed Jackie by the arm, dragging her out of the kitchen.

"Nice one, kid," Dean said a little surprised.

"Thanks," Mickey replied as he pulled his phone out and took a snapshot of the alien.

"Not really the best time to ask for its autograph."

It roared and screamed in pain and Mickey jumped, quickly stuffing his phone in his jean pocket before running out of the front door with Jackie, Dean, and Cas right on his heels.


The elevator dinged as it opened and Emma was greeted by the sight of two large, black beady eyes staring back at her. She yelped in surprise and the Doctor quickly hit another floor button.

"Hello," he politely smiled.

"Good, God!" Fury muttered, wide-eyed.

Rose and a woman raced past, they were trying to open any and every door they could find in the hallway.

"Rose!" Emma shouted but it was too late as the elevator doors slid closed again, "We need to go and help her."

"Right," the Doctor nodded, "give us two ticks," he told her as the bell chimed again and the elevator reopened on a different floor. He glanced around before quickly stepping out, Emma followed, Coulson and Fury behind her.

They walked around a few corners and down a staircase or two before footsteps sounded and the Doctor quickly pulled Emma to him, the two of them hiding behind a stone pillar as Coulson and Fury did the same on the opposite side.

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