1. No wolf of that kind exist

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In the dark deep forest a white wolf with blue eyes ran deep into the forest, the wolf was white as snow, it fur was delicate, soft and beautiful,
one sight of the wolf could take your breath away, she is immediately joined by a pure black wolf, dark as the night with gold eyes, its fur was black and shinning as if mixed with silver,

both wolf ran deep in the forest and seemed to be enjoying them selves, they run and tossed around,

rolling on the floor together just then the black wolf stopped and gazed into the eyes of the white wolf as if inviting the wolf to come close. as they came close to each other the whole place turned white

. .....................................................

Sophia mother entered her room and put on the light in her bed room, Sophia a sixteen years old girl tried to go back to her dream by closing her eyes, her mother walked into the room and removed her quilt from her bother while she continued to call her to stand up from her sleep Sophia turned around in her bed still not wanting to stand up,

her mother walked to the window and opened all the windows allowing all the ray of sunlight to enter the room, due to the light Sophia rose up and sat on her bed

"mom you should have given me five more minutes, he was about to kiss me" "

hmm still dreaming of your mate, did you see his face this time?"

her mother asked

"no, just his wolf, he was so huge, black, i have never seen any wolf as beautiful ad that in my entire life"

Sophia said as she continued to day dream about the wolf she saw in her dream her mother looked at her and sighed " Sophia you know there is no wolf that is pure black with gold eyes, are you sure he is your mate, and i have never seen anyone dream about their mate before seeing them,

not to talk of seeing their wolf" Sophia became sad with her mothers reaction she expected her to be happy for her " and there has never been any wolf that is as white as snow with blue eyes like the sky" Sophia pouted her mother knew she will be angry now but she ignored her and helped her to park her close out from her closet into her box

" now lets stop talking about that, we have a flight to catch, you uncle has already called me, every one is waiting for your return,

so why don't you stand up and take a shower, we don't want to miss our flight do we?" Sophia sluggishly stood up from her bed while grumbling inwardly, she walked to the bathroom her mother heard her grumbling and ignored her ,

Sophia started having dreams about her mate since her sixteenth birthday, she has never heard of any wolf that pure black with gold hair, her mother sighed, hopefully when she get back to her home,

during the mating ceremony she could find her mate and stop all this nasty dreams of hers. Sophia and Lady Lina her mother moved to country A eight years ago when she was only eight years old,

her parents had just died and lady Lina was appointed to be her guardian by her uncle, the alpha of the black stream clan, her family had always been the alpha of the clan,

and when her parents who were the then alpha and Luna died, her uncle had to send her away in other to protect her, now it was time to find her mate, hopefully her mate would be strong enough to protect her


Damian Johnson, the alpha of blue lake clan, tall, dark hair and fair skin, his muscles was perfect, he face is as handsome as a god, one could say is was sculptured as no creature on earth can be said to be as handsome as him, he was twelve years old when he became the alpha of his clan,

no one has ever seen his wolf but he has defeated all those who challenge him in a battle, he just turned twenty and yet to find his mate, all the ladies around would die to have a one night stand with him His parents died when he was only twelve years old,

they were the alpha and the Luna of the blue lake clan, at the age of twelve he killed the assassin that killed his parents, no one knew how he did it, but all the knew was that when then came into the room they saw a twelve year old boy seated in between his dead parents, his whole body was covered with blood ,

the blood of the assassin, the body parts were scattered around the room, and no one saw the a tear drop from his eyes when his parents died, his uncle wanted to hold the throne till he came of age but Damian refused and wield the mantle of his parents at the age of twelve.

Damian walked out of the room and he is immediately followed by his beta Stephan who is also his best friend, Stephan was almost as tall as Damian, he was handsome but not as handsome as the god like sculptured he was standing next to,

he had blond hair with black eyes, Stephan was a talkative and he always found a way to annoy Damian, Damian still did not know why he kept Stephan as his best friend, one could say he had a soft spot for him as they have been friends since child hood.

"are you excited for today" Stephan said to Damian while grinning from ear to ear, Damian did not say anything and still kept walking while Stephan followed him like a dog following his master Stephan continued talking

" Damian you can't tell me that you are not excited, i mean all the beautiful girls will be there, you know they always admire you" Damian still did not say anything, Stephan continued to pester him and all of a sudden Damian stopped walking and looked at Stephan,

because Stephen was not watching ans still talking, Stephan bumped into Damian, immediately his heart started racing, no one dear hit the alpha, not even him his best friend,

his beta, he was supposed to be on guard all the time and because he was talking about the mating ceremony and thinking about girls he was not on guard to notice the sudden change of his alpha and bumped into him, he hoped Damian will not punish him as the last time he under go through Damian punishment he almost died and what he did was not as serious as this, Damian felt like literally digging a hole on the floor to enter inside.

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