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Sophia and her family entered the castle, maids all bowed down as they pass them, one could say the royal family was beautiful, with an uncle that look so handsome, and his sons James and John who look so much like their father, their mother who emits the aura of a queen and Sophia, tall, slim, with curves in the right part of her body, and her black long straight hair compliment her blue eyes making her look like a goddess,

Sophia was wearing a blue denim, a white tank top and a leather jacket which fits her body perfectly, although Jane was not pleased with what she was wearing she had other things she was not pleased with.

They entered the living room and they all sat down on the sofa, Sophia was sitting close to her uncle as she was very fund of him, she rested her head on his shoulder making Jane jealous even more, Jane sneered and said

" Sophia why are you dressed like this, a princess is not supposed to dress in this manner, what will the people say if they see you dressed like this"

Sophia looked her and laughed " sorry auntie i am not like any other princess i am Sophia princess of black swan kingdom"

" and since you know you are the princess of this clan, why don't you start acting like one, anyway" Jane looked at Lina" You are not to be blamed for that, it's as if Lina hear did not teach you well to be a princess, she taught you her to be like her"

Sophia already got irritated and she replied her " mother is not responsible for my choice of cloths, so please leave mother out of this" 

" she is not your mother, she is not even your relative, how dear you call her mother" Jane retorted 

in order to prevent this from escalating Alpha Justin had to interfere " enough both of you, Sophia just got back and i believe she must be jet lagged, so let's stop all this argument and go eat dinner so she can rest"

Sophia stood up and gestured for Lina to stand up too, " i think i need to go to my room first, i believe my room is still the same as i will not appreciate it if anyone change it, mother come with me, you will be staying i the room close to my room so that you can teach me more manners since i lack some"

Lina was scared and looked at Alpha Johnson for approval, who in turn nodded his head for Lina to follow Sophia, they both stood up and left there, after they left, Alpha Justin turned to his wife Jane

" what was that all about?" he asked her, Jane kept quiet as she knows how dangerous it was to provoke her husband "

if you were not my Luna i would have have your head on a pike, let this be the last time this happen" he stood up and walk away angrily, leaving James and John with their mother, both boys stood up and walked out of the living room leaving their mother alone, they did not want to be tied up in their mother schemes.


Sophia and Lina got to her room and sat on the bed, Sophia looked at Lina apologetically " I am sorry, the way she talked about you she had no right"

Lina looked at her and smiled " it's OK Sophia, in fact i am not angry at all"

" It is not OK" Sophia resorted " who gave her the right, she has no right"

Lina moved close to her and tucked the strands of her hair that was covering her face behind her ears " why do you worry about things that are irrelevant, tomorrow is the full moon mating ceremony, you are supposed to be thinking about that wolf that does not exist remember, you always see him in your dreams, this time maybe you will see him in person"

Sophia giggled and looked at Lina " i'm not excited about tomorrow because my mate will not be there" 

Lina looked at her and was confused because Sophia has always been dreaming of her mate " why the sudden change Sophia, don't you want to see your mate?"

Sophia laughed and looked at her " it's not as if i do not want to see my mate, it's just that i fee my mate is not a common person, so he will not be found among the commoners clamoring for the full moon mating ceremony, my mate is the most, cute, sexy, intelligent, grate, in fact my mate is the most handsome of them all"

Lina was dumbfounded, she looked at Sophia again and all that could come out from her mouth was " wow" 

" yea wow" Sophia smiled


Sophia was walking alone in the castle when she heard someone calling her name, at first she felt the person sounded familiar but when she turned back she was surprised to see her child hood friends Silver and Gold,

they were being held by guards preventing them from getting close to Sophia, Sophia gestured for the guards to let them through and they did, immediately after they were released, they both ran to Sophia and hugged each other, smiling and happy, just then Alpha Justin walked into the perm ices and saw the scene and was surprised, he never knew Sophia had friends in country A, not to talk of witches friends, he walked up to them and stopped their little celebration

" what is going on here, how did they enter the castle" Alpha Justin asked

" i invited them here, they are my friends, they have been my friends since child hood, we communicated everyday since i left country A"

Alpha Justin was surprised " weren't you forbidden from making any contact with any one in country A, when you were away, i made sure that you never had any contact with anyone here, seems Lina did a really bad job protecting you and she will have to be punished" 

Sophia was surprised by her uncle and quickly interrupted " i didn't need any communication tools to communicate with them, we communicated in our dreams every night, so mother does not know anything, in fact you are the first person that knows about it"

Alpha Justin was surprised and just quietly walked away after he told them to enjoy them selves.

Gold and silver was a witch and a wizard, they were twins and was named after the color of their hair as they literally had pure gold and silver hail, gold was a female and silver was female, both their parents left them to the witches kingdom and told them to stay back to protect Sophia, although Sophia never knew about this, both she has always seen them as her closest friends right from when they were kids.

Alpha vs AlphaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ