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Damian stood there looking at Stephan as he stood there watching the floor as if there was something there, the servant passing bowed and greet them and walked pass them, they all wondered what was going on between the alpha and his beta, or the alpha and his best friend, 

"is he going to punish him again" every one knew that Damian punishment is as good as death and no one dear go close to him when he is angry

Damian stood there for some time watching his best friend, today is not a good day to punish him, he knows how excited his friend always is when it came to the full moon ceremony so he said

" i am not a commoner so i am not excited about the full moon mating ceremony, majorly because my mate is not a commoner and my mate is the most beautiful among st all, she will not be among the common girls in the excited about the full moon mating ceremony"

Stephan was surprised that Damian could say such long statement, he is usually cold and aloof, and usually doesn't say much when he is not addressing the pack

Damian continued talking " now are you going to come with me to the meeting or are you going to keep drooling at me"

Stephan regained his composure and follow after Damian, while Damian said

" by the way the next time you bump into me, i will not be so linnet to leave you alone, you will be on rogue duty for one month," Stephan could not say anything but only nodded because he knew rogue duty is the most dangerous among st all duty, the last time he went he almost never came back alive.


mean while at the black stream clan every one was busy both because of the preparation of the full moon mating ceremony, also the daughter of the former alpha and Luna was returning, Sophia uncle was in the meeting room discussing with his pack leaders , the meeting room was a spacious place with an oval table that could accommodate up to twenty people, at the middle of the table laid a digital map of the territory, alpha Justin, Sophia was sitting at the head of the table followed by his alpha and other members of his cabinet.

one member of his cabinet was standing addressing the people, he was in charge of the guards, his name was Moses, 

" every guard is on duty for the arrival of the princess and the mating ceremony, i have doubled checked every corner to see if there is any loop holes, bet there is non"

Alpha Justin looked at him and asked " what about the top, the ceilings and the storage unite, are there guards there?"

Moses stammered when he heard of the places the alpha was talking about " i...i..."

"you what" alpha Justin said, i told you to make sure every where is secured, need i remind you that Sophia is the only child of my late brother, nothing must happen to her, if you fail to protect her and she so much as loose a strand from her hair, i will not only behead you, i will also behead every member of your family, including the infant" Alpha Justin looked at everyone there and continued talking

" and that goes to every one here, your priority is to make sure Sophia is safe at all time, you must check her food and watch her every move, nothing must happen to her, is that understood" they all responded " yes alpha" 

" this meeting is over, you are all dismissed"

they all walked out of the meeting room except his beta, he walked up to him and said

" I have never seen you this afraid, not even when we went to war with the shadows"

Alpha Justin sighed and rested his back on the chair " indeed i am really afraid, she is my late brother last family, i don't know how she survived when her parents were killed by the shadows, all i know is that i can not let any thing happen to her"

Beta Lucas said he understood as they both stood up and walked out of the office.


Sophia and Lina were at the airport waiting for their plane when some one started shouting Sophia name, Sophia could recognize that voice anywhere, it was her best friend Thera, they have been friends ever since she came to country B, they did everything together, she knew everything about Sophia, including the fact that she was a ware wolf, she had kept the secret for Sophia and never disclosed it to anyone, she went to Sophia house to say good bye to her but found out they were already gone, she raced to the airport to look for her, she just could not let her best friend go without saying good by to her

when Sophia heard her name she turned around to see who was calling her, when she saw her best friend Sophia running towards her with her white dress and whit shoes making her look like an angel Sophia in turn rushed to her best friend and gave her a hug, they both hugged each other for some time before they pulled apart from each other

" how can you leave without saying good bye to me, your best friend" Thera pouted, she formed her face as if she was about to cry, Sophia pet her like a puppy saying

" i am so sorry my love, my mum didn't want us to miss our flight, i am going to miss you i dunno when we will be seeing after today"

" i do" Thera said, Sophia was surprised and looked at her with the eyes of what do you mean by that, she knew Thera was a princess and her parents will never let her travel without reason, she went everywhere with a body guard even school, she was standing with one right there

" i know what you are thinking" Thera said,

 " my parents will never let me travel far, but i applied to a university at country A, and i just received the letter, once the secession starts, i will be resuming school at the same city with you, the same school you applied for, we will be going to school together but, they allowed me on the condition that i will be going with at list three maids and ten body guards" 

both Sophia and Thera giggled and hugged each other again, then they departed an it was time for Sophia to leave, they both said their good bye and separated to their different destination.

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