{Chapter 3}

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"Umm... My grimoire's not here."Asta said feeling frustrated

"Er.. then try again next year."said the old man

"WHAT?!" Asta yelled ... I mean you can't blame him it's quite surprising

Then everyone started laughing at him

Everyone at the church were shocked aswell.

Then the two annoying guys started saying rude things about him again about if being pathetic was a competition they'll total lose to Asta.

Then something shined brightly like the sun... that caused everyone to be starstrucked

"A.. f-four-leafed clover" said the master of the grimoire tower

Then everone started talking about it and that it contains an immense amount of mana and good luck and that it's like the grimoire that the legendary First Wizard King got.

Then again the two guys started calling Yuno a peasant and got angry because a person like Yuno being gifted?!


"I'm going to be... Wizard King." Yuno said with blank face and Marry Y/n.

Seriously if you want to be praised atleast put some emotion in what you're saying you thought while feeling amazed and shocked

Then everyone yelled about how Yuno was awesome while Asta is feeling devastated... you looked at Asta sadly and mentally said sorry to him.

"He's the hope of Hage Village!" said Father Orsi

Then the kids started talking about how cool Yuno is...

"Yuno...you just wait...I'll catch up on you in no time...because I'm you're RIVAL!" Asta said while you're amazed by Asta's determination

You heard everyone busted in laughter because they think Asta is pathetic...

"Not possible." Yuno said while walking past Asta leaving him there

Father Orsi announced about having a feast of tatoes because of Yuno's " victory " while sister Lily started to feel worried and you doing the same while clutching your grimoire in your hands.

Then you felt a creepy aura and saw a guy with a scar on face saying something but you can't hear it but you decided to ignore it and walk back with everyone to the church...

Then you see Asta hanging from a tree upside-down looking sad, so you decided to go and comfort him.

While you were walking you got surprised that Asta jump and landed to the branch and yelled...

"But... like I'M GONNA GIVE UP." Asta yelled making you amazed

Until Asta started yelling words at the statue of the first Wizard King ...

{ On a different place but same time}

"H-Hey you shouldn't go that far" Said the guy stopping his friend while standing in front of Yuno

Then his grimoire started litting up to fire declaring that his gonna use his magic against Yuno just because Yuno got a four-leafed clover.

He attacked Yuno with his fire but since it's Yuno we're talking about he simply used his wind mana to protect himself and he swished his hand upward to make the fire go up.

While the two stand there shock filled their faces, chains came out of the walls

{ Back to Y/n and Asta}

🍀THE LUCK OF TOMORROW BLACK CLOVER X READER🍀 ほフミ リ音し永 卸Where stories live. Discover now