Niall grabbed the baby bag and when Harry was sure that they had everything, he pressed the button, locking the door.

"Hey baby, there's some people in there who are so eager to meet you. Let's go see them." Niall cooed at his sleeping baby.

Harry kissed Niall's cheek and they both walked in the building, smiling and nodding to the people they met.

When they were in the lift, going up, Janelle woke up and started whimpering in the cat seat.

"Please don't tell me you don't like lifts too." Niall cooed at his baby as Harry unstrapped and took her out, holding her close to his chest and she seemed to calm down.

"She is half yours so it would make sense if she is as terrified of lifts-"

"Hey!" Niall protested. "I'm not terrified of them."

Harry chuckled. "And yet you have a death grip on my shirt." He teased and Niall only realised then that he had unconsciously gripped Harry's shirt with the hand that wasn't holding the baby bag.

He sheepishly retracted it and stuck his tongue out at Harry just as the little ding sounded and the doors opened.

"Isn't he cute?" Harry leaned down to whisper into Janelle's ear who just showed him a small smile as if to agree.

Niall picked up the empty car seat because Harry was holding Janelle and they walked out.

"Simon's not around today so I don't get to receive an earful from him just yet." Harry said and Niall rolled his eyes fondly.

They walked to the studio that Niall and Brendan had been working in because Louis had texted Harry that that's where they were all having lunch.

Without knocking, Niall pushed the doors open and walked in, just as Harry's phone rung and he picked it up, mouthing to Niall that it was Anne.

Brendan was the first one to see him and he jumped from his spot and made a bee line for Niall, tackling him into a hug.

"Niall!" He beamed when he had slightly pulled away only to hug him back again. "I so missed you. Why the hell didn't you tell me that you were back? Wait, when did you get back?" He threw question after question and all Niall could do was just laugh.

"I missed you too, and it wouldn't have been a surprise if I had told you now, would it? Oh and we got back last night." Niall explained when they had pulled away from the hug.

Niall looked over his shoulder and saw Louis grinning at him while Liam and Zayn were smiling apprehensively as if not knowing whether or not Niall would appreciate it.

In a second, Louis threw himself at Niall and the two shared a hug and when they had pulled away, Niall looked at Liam and Zayn.

"Hi guys, you alright?" He smiled warmly.

"Hi, Niall. We are okay thanks and very very so-" Niall knew where the conversation was headed so he just opened his arms for them.

"None of that, now. None of that, how 'bout a cuddle?" He grinned and they both wasted no time in wrapping him up in a hug.

It was a sweet moment, really. Because Niall had been sure that he wouldn't ever association himself with them but everything had changed with the coming of his child in his life. It was like she was a peace maker of some sort because with her around, he felt like holding grudges was pointless.

"I missed you." He wasn't sure who had whispered in his ear but it sounded so much like Zayn.

What brought the trio out of their bubble was Harry's voice at the door of the studio.

"Is this some kind of a cuddle party because Nellie and I would like to be part of it."

All eyes snapped to Harry and within a second the four lads had all crowded around him and Janelle.

Janelle, who had her eyes wide, looked at all the new people surrounding her and she let out a cry.

"Let's all sit down, yeah. She doesn't seem to like you much." Louis said and gently took Janelle from Harry's hands, going to sit down.

Collectively, Liam, Zayn and Brendan all rolled their eyes but sat down too, leaving only Niall and Harry standing as they looked at their friends and daughter.

Janelle turned up her head and looked at Louis, immediately stopping her crying, obviously recognizing him.

"Hi baby J, it's me uncle Lou." Louis cooed and Janelle just kept looking at him and blinking her big bright eyes.

"Alright Lou, let me hold her." Brendan said but Louis turned the other side so the Irish lad couldn't get to the baby.

However, he found Liam's awaiting hands who took the baby from Louis gently.

Louis huffed and tried to get her back but Liam stood up and quickly walked to the other side of the room, the lads on his heel.

"Hey don't you dare drop our daughter." Harry scolded his friends then he grabbed Niall's waist and pulled him closer. "I love you, handsome."

Niall blushed and looked down for a bit before he looked back up.

"I love you too."

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