Power Out [Grian/Scar]

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Season 7
Grian was just sitting in his starter base, humming softly to himself, when suddenly everything went dark. He looked up quickly, alarmed and confused. He had never been afraid of power outages or the darkness, but it was still startling.

He huffed, pulling out his communicator. He attempted to send a message but to his surprise, the message timed out.

Chat Disabled

Grian pulled out a torch, igniting it. He held the flame up, looking around. It was very, very dark. Not even outside was giving much light.

The boy slipped on his elytra, not that it'd be much use, and walked outside.

"Hello?" He called, his voice echoing through the small area. He frowned, starting to walk along the small path. Using his elytra in the dark like this was dangerous, so travelling on foot would be his only option.

Grian continued through the jungle, having trouble seeing just a few steps ahead of him. What could even cause something like this?

After about 10-20 minutes of aimlessly wandering around, he eventually saw another flicker of light between the trees. He squinted towards it, hope blooming in his chest.

"Hey!" Grian called out to them. The flame went out instantly. He frowned, advancing toward the place it'd been. "Hello?"

"..Who's that?" The other voice called hesitantly, sounding nervous.

"It's me! Grian!" He responded, stumbling over some ferns. He kicked them aside to the best of his ability, continuing forward.

The other person lit their lantern back up, lifting it up. It was Scar, relief written on his face. He also looked very, very scared.

"Grian!" Scar cried happily. Grian smiled, walking as quick as he could toward him.

They embraced each other in a hug for a moment, Grian making sure not to accidentally set his friend on fire with the torch, and then split again.

"What happened?" Scar asked. "I've tried to use the chat but it hasn't been working."

"Same here," Grian sighed. "I don't know what happened, either. Everything just suddenly went black.

"That's.. that's weird," Scar hummed, looking around. "I haven't found anybody else. You think they're okay?"

"They'll be okay," Grian reassured him. "We should try and find others, just in case. At the very least find some way to communicate with the others.

"Yeah, okay, right," Scar nodded, looking thoughtful. He perked up. "You came from your hobbit hole, right?"

"I did," Grian said.

"We can go back there through that tunnel that goes to Mumbo's starter base," Scar suggested. "Then we should be good to use our elytra, at least for a few minutes."

Grian gasped, "that's a good idea! Alright, I think I know the way back. Follow me."

Scar nodded, and just in case, they both held each others hand, their light source in the other. They didn't want to be split up again.

The two did get lost once or twice, but eventually found Grian's starter base. It took them a moment to find the door but they stepped inside, being hit by a gust of cold air.

Grian shivered, surprised at how cold it was. No light must be getting rid of the heat.

"Ah! Here it is," Grian grinned, pausing in front of the start of the tunnel. "Careful, don't fall."

"I won't," Scar simply said. Grian helped him down until they were looking down the long, long tunnel.

"I remember building this," Grian hummed. "It took me so. Freakin. Long."

"Mhm," Scar said, his voice low. Grian glanced back at him, worried, but didn't point it out.

They kept walking down the tunnel, silent. He felt Scar's grip on his hand slowly becoming more tight and secure.

It was starting to kind of freak him out.

Their footsteps echoed throughout the mostly empty, wooden tunnel. It was unusually quiet. Normally even the torches along the walls would be making some kind of noise.

"Hey Grian?" Scar eventually spoke up.

"Yeah?" Grian responded, focused on the path ahead of them.

"It's not me," Scar said. Grian blinked, confused.

"...huh?" Was all he could respond with.

Scar pulled on his hand toward him, and Grian felt an ice-cold shiver be sent throughout his body before he was completely numb. He looked up, eyes wide and empty, as a clone of himself stood over Scar's dead, or unconscious, body.

The clone smiled. It looked him dead in the eyes, before turning and continuing the walk.

Grian's soul watched it go, hovering over Scar's body.

Authors note-
Hi so i bet you werent expecting that :)
I really like this one tbh.

If you're confused, basically;
That wasn't Scar.

I'll probably make a part 2 to this. Idk lmao. But yeah uh
Sorry for being so dead on here, I don't watch Hermitcraft as much 😩

Have a nice day or night cowards 💕

(Cowards is gender-neutral don't take it seriously)

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