Entrance exam and then some

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Izuku was bored yet again.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't find any solid entertainment. Sure, there was the sludge guy who attempted to attack him, but all that took was an ace to the eye, and it was over. How dull.

The UA entrance exams were coming up soon, and all Izuku wanted was some good training. No matter how hard he searched, he couldn't find a strong 'sparring partner'. Even his vigilantism wasn't cutting it. Everyone had just started to pale in comparison to him. So he needed something new, something challenging. So, yet again, he hit the books.

And oh boy, was he ever so glad he did.

It had taken a long time for him to make any proper discoveries, seeing as not much was known about Hisoka and other Hunters. But what became clear quickly is that Hisoka Morrow was quirkless, but also not really?

Through hysteric reading and research through some of the most obscure books, he could find Izuku found one word that just stuck out to him more than any other word "nen". And he had never been more excited in his life.

If he can't be born with a quirk. Why not just make his own.

And thus, his new 'quirk' Chrollostasis was born.

~~~~(I'll explain the name at the end of the chapter)~~~~~

(Sooooo my brain is literally refusing to function so I'm just gonna do a large time skip before I give myself a migraine trying to figure out how nen works).

~~~~~~~Back to your regularly scheduled program~~~

Izuku wouldn't say that he was nervous. No, in fact, he was the most excited he'd been in a while. Today was the day he took the UA entrance exam, how could not be amped? He just needed to get through this long-ass written exam and then he'd get to go crush the practical. He can only hope that he may get to fight pros as the exam or something of the like.

Spoiler alert, he didn't get to fight pros and he was not pleased.

Izuku frowned in boredom as he stared at the large entrance to the exam. This was so not a challenge like he'd been hoping for. Even without the few nen abilities, he's figured out, destroying a few robots was a walk in the park. So now he's bored as all hell, and the exam hasn't even started.

Izuku sighed looking around for any possible targets for the future.

"Lame, lame, too glittery, weak, stop smiling you look stupid, lame, lame, oh, that one looks okay," Izuku listed off, checking every competitor at the exam. The only person of interest being a large man with engine legs who was glaring at him and storming towards him.

"You there! With the green hair!" The boy shouted.

Izuku smirked, pointing to himself, "Who? Me?".

"Yes! You have been acting unseemly this entire! Throughout the entire course of the written exam, you acted disrespectfully! We could all hear you saying profanity and calling the teachers deragatory names!" The boy scolded.

"Mhm, sure," Izuku muttered, eyeing the boy. He seemed strong and fairly smart. But he may be a bit too straight-laced to be a good fight.

"Excuse! Have you heard a word that I've said!" He yelled, drawing Izuku from his thoughts.

"Nope," Izuku sang, walking (read: strutting) away and towards the gate, that opened as he approached it.

"Start!" Present Mic shouted, as Izuku had already taken down his first robot.

Izuku frowned, looking at the robot's remnants. Way. Too. Easy.

------This was gonna end here but I don't wanna so time skip-----

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