First Paparazzi Interview

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Catch a Rising Star

A/N: Well, here's the final chapter of angst. I hope you guys are ready for it, along with some tears. I mean, I got the feels while writing this.

So, let's get on with Chapter 15! Roll it!

Chapter 15

First Paparazzi Interview

The media all over the country was blowing up, because this story just had to be the biggest scoop of the century! There was a mysterious young man who apparently had captured the heart of mega singing superstar Poppy Summers. Now, the tabloids know exactly who he is: Branch Hawthorne, a young man from Kansas who apparently travelled the way to California just to meet her.

"This is Satin and Chenille Vega, and we're here with a scoop that you will never believe!" Satin said gleefully on the air, as they showed the photo of Branch that was taken when he was leaving Los Angeles. There were also live cameras at the Hawthorne residence as the family came out of their car and were greeted by dozens of flashing lights.

"Yes, we do, sister!" Chenille agreed. "We have more on the story about the mystery boy who was seen with Poppy Summers a few days ago. His name is Branch Hawthorne, and I must admit, he's quite a looker. Don't you agree, Satin?"

The live feed had changed to show both Branch and Rosie trying their best to get inside the house, shielding their faces from the cameras, while Harper remained outside, loving the attention. Once Branch was inside, Rosie came back outside and took her granddaughter by the arm to get her in the house, ignoring the pleas from the reporters for a word or a picture.

"He is pretty hot." Satin replied, looking at the still picture of Branch. "Apparently, this young man hails from Wichita, Kansas. And he had come from there to Los Angeles a week ago just to see our favorite star in pink."


Once the family was inside the house, Branch was finding it harder and harder to control his temper and to hold back the tears that were bubbling up inside his throat. Rosie looked over at her grandson.

"Please, Branch." She said. "You have to tell us the truth. What happened back out there in California?"

"Nothing, Grandma!" Branch said. "Nothing bad, I promise! I just.... can't talk about it right now, okay? Please, just trust me."

Then Harper came into the living room. "The Vega twins are talking about you on the news!" She shouted, grabbing her brother by the arm and dragging him over to the TV, turning up the volume so that they could listen to the interview that was coming from Los Angeles.

Just like she said, Satin and Chenille were talking about him. "However, when questioned about him, Poppy Summers gave us a big 'no comment'." The latter twin said. "Which is kind of strange, coming from her. Is she keeping him a secret?"

"Why would anyone want to keep this piece of eye candy a secret?" Satin asked, looking over at the picture of him behind them on the screen.

Branch's eyes widened, a bright red blush on his face. He wasn't really shocked about their somewhat scandalous comments about him, but more about the fact that someone had been following him! That had to be the only explanation of how they had gotten that photo of him!

"Well, if we can't hear it from one of the people in this story, we can always go to the other side of the coin." Chenille said.

Branch had enough of it, and then stormed over to his room without saying anything, slamming the door as he did. Rosie and Harper watched him leave with worried eyes. Maybe in a few minutes, they'll try again and ask him what really happened in California.

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