~Part 12~

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          Dark, darker, yet darker, (gaster is that you!?) This all that I saw. After what felt like an hour or so of just darkness there was light, 'Finally I can see again!' You thought. Exept it kept getting lighter and brighter until you couldn't stand the light, you wanted to go back to the darkness again. Then you heard it it sounded like, Buzzing? 'No its to loud to be a bug or something' Its getting too loud, its like screaming in your ears exept you dont have ears, you dont have eyes, you're not real anymore. That was all a dream, that was your past, your back to your normal life of floating around waiting for something, or someone to find you. 'atleast its dark again' you thought as you yawned.

            'This is boring' you think to yourself, it infact was boring though, waiting for someone to find you? No thanks. You start to float to the other side of the void you call your prison, you see you've come to the conclusion that you were trapped, not erased. Otherwise why would you be here? If this is where things go when they are erased then other erased stuff should be here aswell. You continue floating until you hear crying, but it sounds familiar? Maybe someone else got stuck here too! You start floating slightly faster to the direction that the crying is coming from, and sooner or later you see a figure in the distance.

              They look like your friends, its another stickman! Exept instead of being like your friends you've never seen this person before, not in any of your memorys, at least you can't remember them in any of them. 'But then why do they sound familiar?' You start to think of the possibilities of who they might be, until you reach them. "Hello?" You say, you've starteled them with your voice, at least you think you did because they jumped a little. "Hello..., are you another figment of my imagination?" You didn't expect them to say that, especially with a voice so smoothly for someone whos been crying. "No, no! I'm real and I wanted to know why your crying!" You responded, they looked suprised and scared, "You sound like one of my old friends, but you can't be, I watched them all die." This poor person, maybe you can be their friend, or atleast someone they can talk too. And with that your voices fade into the darkness as you start having conversations every day(?).

      " By the way, I'm (Y/N) "              " I'm 👍︎□︎❒︎❒︎◆︎◻︎⧫︎♏︎♎︎ ♐︎♓︎●︎♏︎ "

                                        CHAPTER TWO

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