Chapter 31: Remembering the Past

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Yay, character development for the flower lioness!
(and the only member of the Night Pride I find decent)

"Tai, hold still!" Nirmala grunted in annoyance as she bandaged the martial eagle's wing with leaves.

"But it huuurrrrrtttttssss." They over dramatically waved their other wing over their head. Nirmala rolled her eyes.

"Well it might hurt less if you just stay still," she muttered in annoyance.

"A delicate bird like me must keep their beautiful muscles healthy by moving around," Tai said coolly.

Nirmala rolled her eyes. The mention of muscles then made her realize something. "Tai, did you have a torn muscle that caused you to crash into that tree that you told me about?"

"Oh no, of course not," Tai said. They then suddenly seemed nervous. "It was just... a fluke. Yeah, a fluke. I wasn't looking where I was going... and well, this happened."

Nirmala examined his wing once more while wrapping it with leaves. It looks more like a twist... 

But she didn't press the subject on. It was Tai's own business. Beside, the branches from crashing into the tree could have easily twisted the wing.

"Hang on while I go collect something for the splint," Nirmala said as she rushed off to get them. After she had found everything she needed, she returned back to where Tai was. But to her surprise, they were gone.

"Tai? Where did you go?"

Nirmala shrugged and sighed, she then turned back to her herb store. She knew that she should probably rest, especially now that she was only a few moons away to giving birth to her next litter, but Nirmala didn't feel tired at the moment. Besides, she was The Healer and that job wasn't going to work out by itself. She would've asked Makini, but she was out at the moment.

Nirmala gazed at the herbs, examining and keeping note on what needs to be restocked or thrown out.

Let's see... We need more cobwebs, goldenrod, lavender, juniper berries, poppy seeds, and chervil. Maybe I'll get a little more comfrey for Tai's wing. And these old tansy and yarrow leaves can all go. So can this wild garlic... Hmm, what else... Maybe we can get some more...

"Nirmala?" Makini's voice interrupted. The lioness turned around and saw the Royal Majuzi approach her, holding her bakora staff. She gave her a greeting nod before turning back to the supply.

Kion used to tell me how Makini wasn't always good at keeping her bakora staff in one piece. But now, it seems that she has finally mastered that. So far, she's keeping this one safe, and I hope it stays this way for a long time...

Nirmala smiled and closed her eyes. Busara would be grateful for this... she thought fondly, recalling the former Majuzi. She would be grateful and proud to know that her staff is still around and in one piece...

"Oh look at you," Makini tsked, gazing at the lioness, "You're only a few moons away from giving birth and you're still up about, running around and doing all the work."

"I know, I know," Nirmala sighed, though not in an annoyed way, "I don't need you to repeat..."

"Haven't you been taking frequent rests like I asked you to?" Makini asked.

"I have, I had been resting an hour ago before Tai came," Nirmala replied.

"Why don't you take a break right now?" Makini suggested. "I can handle the rest of the herbs."

"I wish, but I don't feel tired at the moment," the lioness admitted.

"You can visit the cubs then, I'm sure they would like some company," Makini added. "Plus someone needs to watch over them, in case Taaj starts another fight again," she added jokingly.

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