Chapter 14: It Is Time

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(nearly 3 moons later)

"Alright! Break it up! Break it up!" Kion  shouted, pushing his way between Pinguino's Rookery and the polar bears. Pinguino tried to waddle towards the polar bears again, but Beshte quickly blocked his way.

"Poa, what are you doing?" Pinguino squawked angrily. "I thought we were friends!"

"We are friends-" Beshte began.

"Then move out of my way!" Pinguino interrupted, trying to go around Beshte. 

"Stay where you are!" Fuli ordered, letting out a snarl. Pinguino and his Rookery froze and stayed where they were, startled from Fuli's snarl.

"You didn't need to yell," Pinguino humphed, though he still trembled slightly. Fuli scoffed and rolled her eyes in annoyance. 

"Now, what's going on?" Kion asked, trying to stay calm. "Polar bears?"

"We accidentally broke the penguin's ice slide while passing through here," the polar bears' leader explained. "We told them that we were sorry, but then they started to throw snowballs at us and they wouldn't stop!"

Kion turned to the penguins. "Is that true?"

"You want me to deny it?" Pinguino sniffed. "We had a good reason to, we worked hard on that ice slide! It was the best slide we ever made until those giant nuisances destroyed it!"

"We said we were sorry!" a male polar bear growled. "And who are you calling 'giant nuisances'? At least we're not freaky, little flightless bird brats like you!" The penguins gasped, offended and enraged.

"Who are you calling-!" Pinguino started.

"ENOUGH!" Kion roared, everyone fell silent again. 

"With all do respect, Your Majesty, you didn't need to roar..." Pinguino said, his tone more respectful than how he scolded Fuli.

"Then listen," Kion growled impatiently. Azaad then stepped forward. The Asiatic cheetah had been tagging along with the Daylight Guardians' morning patrol a few weeks back, though it was implied that he only asked so he could hang out with Fuli. At this point, he was even considered as an honorary member of the Guardians. They were pretty grateful for him, Azaad was a pretty big help when it came to settling disputes and arguments.

"Pinguino," Azaad began calmly. "The polar bears have told you that they were sorry. Is there any chance you could forgive them?"

"And we penguins can fly!" Pinguino grumbled, crossing his flipper like wings, the rest of his Rookery did the same. "Not a chance."

"Okay then, how about the polar bears help fix your slide?" Azaad suggested. "Who knows? Maybe they can help make it better."

"Pfft! That ice slide was a penguin original!" Pinguino squawked. "There is NOTHING that can top it off! Only we know how to make ice slides, NO ONE can make it better than us!"

Fuli could tell that Azaad was growing impatient again, but he tried to not react as much, he only sighed exasperatedly and flicked his tail. "Is there anyway the polar bears can make up for what they've done?"

Pinguino thought about it for a moment. "Well... We were going to go catch some fish when we were done playing with our slide."

Azaad nodded. "Will you forgive the polar bears if they catch fish for you while you rebuild your slide?"

"Sounds like a good idea," a female penguin said.

"I agree," said a male. A third penguin nodded his head in agreement and Pinguino uncrossed his wings. 

The Lion Guard: Desire of the Soul (KionxFuli)Where stories live. Discover now