Getting Ready

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⚠️ talks about anxiety ⚠️

Kirishima's POV
Today starts our weekend long adventure!  Me and Bakugo where in the hotel room's bathroom, makeup and bobby pins scattered all over the sink's counter while we listened to Twenty Øne Pilots in the background. Bakugo always looks so good in makeup, especially when he wears cool looking contacts like in the cosplay he is currently getting in. His contacts are these really dope yellow snake eyes contacts! My contacts are blue ones so they're kind of boring compared to his but it's all good!
"Kiri, where's the eyeliner, I can't find it," Bakubro asks, swiftly looking through the mess of makeup. As he looked I looked at well until I spotted it.
"Here you go, Bakubabe," I smirked, putting my hand out to give him the eyeliner.
He blushed and said, "I told you not to call me that!" He tried to snatch the eyeliner from my hand but I pulled back with the same smirk on my face.
"Then stop calling me shitty hair," I said slyly, still holding the eyeliner out of his reach.
"Never!," he said jumping a little bit, trying to get the eyeliner but to no avail.
"Then you're not getting the eyeliner," I said reaching higher so that it was harder to get. Bakugo jumped higher but as he did he tripped on his own foot and fell over bring me down with him.
"Shit, sorry!" He said in a panic without his usual 'I'm the only one I care about' persona. And yes, he still holds it up when he's around me, his boyfriend.
"It's okay," I said trying my smirk into a genuine smile and kissing him on the forehead. He blushed and then quickly got off me. "I mean," Bakugo said trailing off until he spotted the eyeliner on the floor. He quickly crawled over quickly to it before I could get to it and grabbed it swiftly "I'm take this."
I chuckled and rolled my eyes playfully as I got up from the floor and returned to my makeup.

Bakugo's POV
While I did my makeup and listened to the music my mind trailed off. I wonder why Kirishima asked to do an interview instead of a skit cause we usually do skits and not mock interviews. I mean don't get me wrong, we've done them in the past and they've been fun but for this con we were originally gonna do a skit but then Kiri told the organizer something in private and then it changed. Kiri told me not to worry about it but like come on, that's so suspicious! You can't just say that to someone and except them to just forget! Did he not like doing skits with me? Was he bored of skits? Did he just want to switch it up? Did he get something for me? Did he have a special surprise or something? Wait.... was he gonna.... purpose to me!? No, there's no way! Well we have been dating for a long time and I definitely would say yes... BUT NO there's no way! He to anxious to do something like that, especially at a con in front of thousands of people. No, there's no way Even though I wouldn't mind it. It's a nice thought. I should really stop over thinking this. I can't let him see my anxieties, he can't see me weak!
"Bakubabe! Are you okay?" He asked as he looked at me with concern.
"Yeah! I'm doing fucking great!" I say, pushing my thoughts back.
"Okay, you just looked like you were thinking really hard," he told me with a worried smile
"I'm good," I told him. He then leaned over and kissed my cheek.
"Alright," he smiled, looking back at the mirror and putting on some blush.

Kirishima's POV
What people don't see when they first meet Bakugo is that he has a lot of anxiety. Like a lot. It doesn't look like it but the reason he over compensates his bold actions is so that he can hind it. That's why I can put up with all his bullshit, because I can see through the cleverly crafted veil. I try my best to help him and not make him feel any lesser than is mind already makes him feel. I think working with Tamaki has help me with this. If you know Tamaki, you know what I'm talking about. He is a very anxious person. So being friends with him and observing him and his emotions, I can guess how Bakugo is really thinking based off what I've hear from Tamaki. Yes, I'm aware that anxiety is different for everyone but at least I have a base line. I'm trying anything I can to help him out because I love him. I know I'm being cheesy but like it's true.

Anyways, I picked up the glue stick that was on the sink and started on my eyebrows. My red eyebrows and the worst when it comes to my career. They're so hard to cover! If I would've known in high school that I was gonna be a cosplayer I... I would've still died my hair red, let's be honest BUT STILL!! Bakubro, on the other hand, never has to ruin his eyebrows with Elmers glue because his eyebrows are obviously blonde so he can just pack it with eyeshadow and BOOM he's good to go. He's a really great cosplayer! He's one of those cosplayers who can look hot in basically any cosplay. Well I think he looks hot regardless, with or without cosplay, but especially in cosplay. He's one of those cosplayers with the sharpest jawline, always looks photogenic, looks adorable with a smile but always looks sexy without one. You know what I'm talking about. Also, it's not just me, he gots those kind of comments from people all the time when we're at convention and on social media. You might be asking "Kiri, doesn't that make you jealous?" and no, cause I agree with them and he should be praised because he deserves it! Bakugo chose me so why would I care what anyone else thinks about him? I should probably stop talking about how hot my boyfriend is and get back to what I was talking about before.

After I 'deleted' my eyebrows, I took the blonde eyebrow pen and drew on some new eyebrows! For this cosplay, both me and Bakugo were doing natural makeup. Excepted Bakugo who had a tiny bit extra because the character he's in is a little bit extra. He's adding a little bit of a shiny bronze eyeshadow on the outside of his eyelid and putting on black lipstick because one: it fits with the character, and two: because he looks ducking amazing in black lipstick!

Bakugo's POV
I finished up my makeup and put in my contacts which is the last piece of my cosplay in the makeup department and turn to Kiri. Damn, he is fine! Kirishima always talks about how he thinks I'm the perfect cosplayer because of my jawline or some shit but he's so beautiful. Like look at him! He's gorgeous! I have a really hard time saying to him out right though. I'm just not the best time when it comes to communicating my feeling but I'm trying you DUMB ASS LOSER!!!...... sorry.... Anyways, I usually go for more physical affection so I don't have to say anything, win-win!

I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his waist and lay my head on his shoulder "You're looking good, Angle" I smirked and I see him blush in the mirror.
"T-thanks" he shuddered.
I tried my head a little and placed a small kiss on his neck then started picking up my makeup. With a smirk on my face I walked out of the bathroom leaving Kiri flustered.
AN: I hope you guys like this chapter! I know it's kind of all over the place and nothing really happened but I just wanted to give you some pure fluff before more plot stuff happens so yeah! Also thank you to the one person who voted on my first chapter!! You made my day thank you!

A Cosplayer Love Story: KiriBakuWhere stories live. Discover now