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"that's a rap!" Ian yelled from the corner, only it wasn't the real rap because another camera was pointing at us for the "behind the scenes" portion, we smile at laugh and then the Behind the scenes camera turned off.
"you wanna stay for the weekend? I mean you have to get out of that place." Ian says putting his hand on my shoulder.
"nah.. I have Pip and your allergic" I fake laughing
"I know.. but I'm worried about you man, every thing in that apartment has to trigger memories, I mean she basically built that place with all decorating." he sighs
"I'm fin.."
"I know, but I know how it is.."
"no you don't when have you ever lost a soon to be wife?"
"um Melony."
"that's different you broke up with her" I sigh trying to change the subject.
"look I have to go, my plane leaves at 5:00" I say looking at my watch.
He drives me to the airport without saying a word. We say our goodbyes and I hop on the plane. Normally I sleep on planes but... tonight the only thing on my mind is Kalel.

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